Alice + Catboy + Dragons, Oh My!

As I tucked Max into bed tonight he said, “Can tomorrow be Halloween too? Or is it next week?” Apparently someone thought trick or treating was a teensy bit fun! And, apparently we need to work on our concept of time! I had to break it to him that it would be a whole year, after he turns 5, before we could trick or treat again. Boo!

Until then, we’ll live on the happy memories … and candy haul! Mama is sifting through her much deserved tax now!


Mimi made Jemma’s Alice in Wonderland dress. Technically, round two of a handmade-by-grandma-Alice because Jemma had an One-derland party for her 1st birthday! My only job was to find tights (thank you Target) and a Dinah prop for her to carry. I failed and opted for a Dinah button, hoping it would do. It barely passed as acceptable.

Max has had quite the Halloween line up. First he wanted to be a Ninja Turtle, then Catboy, then Yoda. We had already returned the Ninja Turtle costume so that was out and I encouraged him to save Yoda for next year. Rather than drop $40 on the hot Catboy costume this year, I ordered a mask and cape and we paired it with boots Max already had and a blue top and pants from Target’s Cat & Jack line. Now he has a new baseball tee and cozy sweats for the winter!

Reid got a hand me down for his first Halloween. Naturally. Max wore it here just 3 years ago!


He’s serious about candy!


Singing the PJ Masks theme song to the neighborhood :)


Prepping Reid for the wild rides at Disneyland!


Best frenemies!


Keeping watch while the troops scamper up to the door.

Happy Halloween! Enjoy that candy tax!

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  1. Marie Cole says

    They all look so cute!