Style File — Even Homeschoolers Go Back To School Shopping

Wait, you thought that just because Jemma and I are homeschooling that we’d be lounging in our pajamas everyday? 

Nope! Not even close! This mom teacher and brand new Kindergartener are ready to start the year in style!

style file - back to school

Well, maybe we won’t be THIS fancy everyday … I’m sure on our true home days we’ll be pretty relaxed, but for co-op and field trips Jem and I are excited to dress up and accessorize. Like mother, like daughter!

We’ve hit some great sales in honor of back to school season and thought we’d share a peek at our style for the 2016/2017 school year … it’s all about classic comfort!



back to school style



Oh yes, we’re totally dress girls. They’re so easy and best of all, they’re comfortable and quite versatile! For the early Fall we can keep them cool and lightweight and then when the weather turns we can add leggings, tights, boots, sweaters, and scarves. Sign. Us. Up. Dresses for life!

On the comfort wavelength, when the calendar moves closer to Fall I find myself wearing my glasses, like these ones from JCPenney Optical, much more often. You see, I’ve been a glasses girl ever since the summer leading up to 4th grade. That year I upgraded from readers to everyday glasses and I was absolutely traumatized. 9 year old drama queen alert! It was a pre-puberty emotional explosion! Thankfully, my best friend wore glasses and that same summer, I swear, half my class arrived at school with new glasses. As you can imagine, I transitioned to life with glasses just fine. But oh, my poor mother who had to guide me through my “four eyes” worries! 

The last 2 summers Jemma has had eye check-ups in preparation for her someday glasses. Eye exams are always recommended prior to Kindergarten, but our pediatrician has encouraged us to see an optometrist annually from 3 years on. I’ve properly prepared her for glasses of her own someday because Dominic and I both wear glasses and I just don’t see that she’ll have a way to avoid adding prescription eyewear to her accessory line up. Good news is, I think glasses are a totally hip and sought after back to school item these days! And she agrees! 

If you or your crew of little learners are in the market for glasses, be sure to check out JCPenney Optical. They have a fantastic assortment of frames and back to school savings going on right now — like 60% off 1 pair through September 9, 2016!

Happy final days of back to school shopping! What is still on your list?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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  1. janie vezina says

    think its great you back to school shop even though you home school.

  2. Molly says

    She is just adorable!! Glad you did some back to school shopping!