Slinging With My Newborn

Reid is newborn-ish. Two months tomorrow, in fact! And yes, I can hardly believe it. 60 days with this little treasure in my arms or very close by. Where has the time gone?

With 3 littles he has been forced to be my easy going baby. We’re on the go often and when we’re home, we’re hoppin’. Hence, babywearing. Or, more specifically ring slings. They’re the first thing I grab for quick ups. Half because they’re simple to use and half because, with his weight, they’re most supportive. This guy is a solid 15 pounds according to our home scale!

soul slings

soul slings collage


soul slings tail

I don’t remember how I was first introduced to Soul Slings. But I was. And I’m glad. These beauties are made of a supportive linen (available in single or double layer) and after a few washes, some braiding, and lots of wearing our Coal ring sling has broken in wonderfully; soft, floppy perfection. 

Soul Slings is a family run business with Chinmayie at its’ helm. Since I was first introduced to Soul she has grown to offer full buckles, mei tais, and wraps in addition to ring slings. This mama is rockin’ the babywearing world. With bright patterns and fresh colors, there is no doubt in my mind that you’ll find something you love! And, even though Soul Slings comes from India, shipping is super fast!

Ring sling c/o Soul Slings


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