This + That

Processed with VSCOcam with kk1 presetHappy Fall, friends! We’re totally relishing in the season right now. I love the rain. Jem loves the leaves and cooler weather accessorizing opportunities. Max hates having to put on real clothes, naturally. Jem is thriving at Pre-K, Max has zero interest in potty training and is only somewhat entertaining us with transitioning to his bunk bed/shared room with Jem. He IS excited for his baby brother though, so I’m riding that wave. I am feeling very pregnant; but still have 8-10 weeks left. I. Can. Do. This.

In the meantime, here is a round up of fabulous links you don’t want to miss!

I was pretty skeptical, but now, it’s love

Look what’s ready for pre-order!

Putting nurses in their place, or at least this particular one

Guess who has an app for iPhone now?

It was pretty fun shopping here with the kids this year

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, my best maternity purchase to date!

I keep Amazon Wish List’s for the kids, but Pinwheel sounds pretty great too!

Preparing for your home birth. Pretty much, my current to do list.

I want a whole arm full of these! Like this!

November 2nd means HOLIDAY JOY … you can shop here if you like :)

Bought these for Jem on sale at the outlet, because Lord knows I can’t pull them off!

Postpartum style – this mama rocks it!

This was timely, we had a distant exposure (I think we’re in the clear), but the little buggers are still on my mind :/

I’m skipping Christmas cards this year … because, well, baby. And aiming for these instead!

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