Caramel Macchiato Bread Pudding

 This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #FoundMyDelight #CollectiveBias

Breakfast is by far my favorite meal. I love nothing more than waking up to a calm morning with my family knowing I don’t have anything to rush out the door for, and thus, can sit and enjoy something warm and delicious. Obviously, this doesn’t happen often – life just doesn’t allow for many lazy days with young children. Which is quite the shame. But, when it does – I’m in heaven. We all are!

When it does happen (and I intend for it to happen more and more this Fall and Winter), my favorite kind of breakfast meals are the ones that can be prepped the night before. That way, when I wake up I can simply heat the oven, pop it in, sip coffee and relish in the scent of the fabulousness to come :)

And the most recent fabulousness … Caramel Macchiato Bread Pudding!caramel macchiato bread pudding

Here is what you’ll need to whip up this cozy breakfast treat!

  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup Caramel Macchiato Iced Coffee
  • 3/4 cup whole milk
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 8 slices cinnamon swirl bread, cubed into 1 inch pieces
  • 1/2 cup golden raisins
  • Optional: Caramel sauce and/or chopped pecans

Begin by cutting the cinnamon swirl bread into cubes. If you can’t find cinnamon swirl, you can totally use cinnamon raisin and then just skip adding raisins later on :)cinnamon swirl bread

Once that’s all chopped up, divide the bread cubes into ramekins (or one larger baking dish if you prefer). Then whisk up the egg mixture by blending the eggs, caramel macchiato iced coffee, milk, sugar, cream and vanilla. Pour the egg mixture over the bread cubes – about 3/4 full. Sprinkle with golden raisins and allow it all to soak, refridgerated, for at least 2 hours; overnight is fine too. iced macchiatocarm macc b pudd before


After 2 hours, or, as I prefer, in the morning when you wake up, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Bake for 20 minutes or until the top gets a golden crust. 

Top with a dollop of caramel sauce and sprinkle with chopped pecans. Before taking your first bite, allow each ramekin to cool for 5-10 minutes before serving. But, if you’re like me and have no patience, feel free to pour a splash or two of Caramel Macchiato Iced Coffee on top. You’ll save yourself a burned tongue and infuse your bread pudding with a little extra caramel coffee flair! And when you fall in love with that iced coffee flavor, you’re free to have a full glass alongside your bread pudding too! International Delight Caramel Macchiato Iced Coffee (and all their other flavors) are fridge-friendly and ready-to-drink, just pour and enjoy!carm macc b puddingcaramel macchiatoWhile you’re shopping for ingredients, make note that the International Delight Caramel Macchiato Iced Coffee will be in the refrigerated section at your local grocery store. I found ours at Walmart in the dairy section near the milk and juice. Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

What are your favorite make ahead breakfast meals? Like I said, I’m aiming for more quiet mornings as we move into the season of having a newborn and would love to increase my stash of breakfast meal recipes that I can prep the night before! 


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  1. says

    I’m pretty sure that i just drooled all over my keyboard. This looks delicious and sophisticated, yet after reading your recipe it’s wicked easy to make. Love that! Can’t wait to try it!#client