Disney Preparation

2c6f482a-5ab5-4d8d-8ac0-6700bafb55b1Bllllaaaaaaaaaahhhh! We leave in, like, 3 weeks! I can hardly believe it!

I went MIA on the whole idea of Disney after my first post because I started getting this weird crotch cramping. Totally lovely, I know. Well, apparently it has something to do with a weak pelvic floor and this being baby tres; it’s no good. So, for a bit, I feared I might have to cancel the trip. Since, I’ve connected my symptoms to my water intake. If I don’t drink enough on one day, I get the cramps the following day. So, I’m listening to my body better, guzzling gallons and resting up as much as I can before we fly south.

While I rest, I Google, and while I Google, I learn. So much has happened at Disneyland since I last visited in 2009. Just like my Yellowstone babbling, I’m going to bullet out what I’ve accomplished in the realm of preparation for our trip …Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

  • Plane activities are purchased and  tucked away. Jemma has a fun Disney princess tote to store it all in thanks to Emily at Pepper’s Ruffles. Seriously, too cute! I learned well from Yellowstone on what keeps her attention and I’m pretty sure our flights will be a breeze thanks to coloring books, audiobooks, a few iPad apps, these sticker activities and more Disney inspired surprises.
  • Our hotel is booked and I have confirmed that they have a shuttle option if my poor body fails be after a long day of fun. I also wanted to make sure they had a fridge in our room so I could stock up on yogurt and cereal fixings once we land and thus, be ready for cheap morning breakfasts.
  • I’m aiming to go cheap on breakfasts because Jem and I have reservations at the Blue Bayou! It has been on my life long bucket list to eat a meal inside Pirates of the Caribbean and it’s finally going to happen! That $27 monte cristo better be worth it!
  • To lighten the enticement to buy all the souvenirs I pre-ordered Jemma tees from the Disney Store. They had a sale that made them all under $10! I also bought our trading pins from  eBay (a shop recommended by a friend who trades often), because yes, we will be lanyarding our way through the park! 
  • On our day in California Adventure I’m planning to rush for World of Color Fast Passes. Other than that, we may leave the Fast Pass craziness to others since I can’t ride most of the wild rides anyway.

Next on my to do list is to buy Jem a Disney gift card. That will be her designated souvenir money so she can budget what special thing she wants to bring home. I, on the other hand, have just one souvenir in mind … sparkly Minnie ears to celebrate Disneyland’s 60th Anniversary!

I also want to study our photo opps … because of course I it’s my plan to capture every magical moment! And, I can’t forget to print this free sandwich coupon (tip #8 here mentions all the details).

We’ll be at the park on a Sunday, Monday and Tuesday … my current task is to map out a general idea of what I hope we’ll make it to each day. Any tips for the flow of our visit?

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  1. jennifer says

    We leave in 3weeks for our visit to Disney World!! It will be my sons first visit and I still haven’t told him. Trying to figure out the best way to surprise him still.

  2. Bianca says

    I am so excited for you, and will be praying for your pelvic floor! Because I am *that* kind of friend :)