How far along: 11 weeks
Gender guess: I ordered these in Grenadine. So … yeah.
Weight gain: Our scale bit the dust and I have way more important things to buy than a new one. This week I both fit into my size 6 shorts and a pair of maternity pants, so I’m apparently very flexible, lol!
Sleep: Touch and go. Naps are my jam.
Best moment this week: Hearing the precious thump thump of our sweet baby’s heartbeat! We totally lucked out and our midwife found it at 10 weeks, 4 days during my first official appointment. Yippee!!!
Worst moment this week: Tired as sin. But that’s not bad. Just normal.
Miss anything: Running. Kind of. I’ve taken a break since the race because I literally need all my energy to manage things around home. Hoping to ease back into things in the next week or two.
Movement: Itsy bitsy flutters right before the 10 week mark! I was laying in bed with Max at nap time and just know it was baby. Baby flutters and little kicks feel way different than tummy rumbles.
Cravings: Spaghetti and sourdough bread. Specifically from The Old Spaghetti Factory! And all things citrus! Bought pineapple juice last night – yum!
Queasy or sick? Woozy off and on :/ Mostly in the evenings when I’m dog tired and the thought of cooking dinner makes me feel like gagging.
Looking forward to: Everything about the summer! Bump pictures at the beach, bump pictures at Yellowstone and then our gender appointment in August!
What Jemma thinks: We were laying in bed the evening after we heard baby’s heartbeat and she put her hand on my tummy and said, “Wasn’t it just the best thing to hear our baby’s heartbeat?” Yes, yes, it was :)
What Max thinks: No comment. Still.
You’ve bumped out a lot these last couple weeks! Yay Bossio Baby #3! Also, I’m glad that you decided to find out the gender. Because I can’t wait until December. Just saying.