The Love List

love list no oneI’ve got lots of love for these mamas. But even more love for the products that have been born out of their creativity! Cross my heart, you’ll love them all too!


I was lucky enough to join Lacy and her venture at Madre Beads as an ambassador. It’s been so fun to get sneak peeks of what is to come and I promise, these eco-friendly mama and kiddo jewelry pieces are totally the best! Jemma and I have the Minimalist Aztec in a mama daughter set and I’ve got my eye on the shop for a re-release of the Phoebe Wahl. Follow Madre Beads on Instagram for coupons and details about shop stockings!


Everything I’ve learned about babywearing, I’ve learned from Abbie, owner of EMA Design. She’s guided me on a number of purchases and recently converted my Pavo Cheetah Noir into a fabulous ring sling. Amazing quality! Like, fabulous! I also have one of her EMA ring slings in the sturdiest linen. So freakin’ toddler worthy. Follow EMA Design on Facebook to stay updated on all the pretties she is converting, dying and sewing and if you’re interested in getting in her queue, just send her a Facebook message!


Hold on to your checkbooks, mamas, you’re going to fall head over heels for all of Kelby’s No End Natural products! No joke. There is no doubt in my mind that I’m switching all of my beauty products over to NEN ones – they’re that good. And organic, natural, safe, healthy … all that jazz. So far, I’m a happy customer of the Deluxe Face Cream (I use this day and night), Refreshing Face Wash (the best clean feeling), Anti-Aging Serum (30 is around the corner and showing!), Compassionate Lips (a constant companion) and Lavender Bellini Body Butter (my preggo cocktail fix). Owie Ointment (for Max) and Beard Conditioning Oil (for my sister’s bf) are next on my list! Like No End Naturals on Facebook for occasional coupon codes! And, if you’re local to Olympia/Tacoma you can find NEN at the coops and the new Whole Foods!


I saved the cutest for last :) Brave Little Bumble is the new shop of my friend, Jill. Remember her from Brave Sunday? Each little Bumble is full of personality and their own story. Think small biz Cabbage Patch Kid, but sweeter and prettier. You can bet your britches that new baby will be getting a Bumble of their own. I think I’ll even play copycat with Lacy and do our month by month photos with a Bumble as our growth reference. BLB is alive and well on Instagram, she’s one of my faves over there so definitely follow along all the happenings at The Bumble Factory!

What else do I need to check out? Tell me what you’re loving these days?

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