Style File /// His + Hers

I’ve been in a bit of a blogging rut lately. First it was Texas and the recovery from that. Then a round of colds that slowly passed through all 4 of us. Bleh. From there I got sucked into a bunch of books and started spending all my evenings in the bath with this whilst flipping pages instead of blogging. So allow there has been few and far between reading her, it does mean I have great recommendations for you in the book world … this, this and this for sure. Now the time has come for me to hop back on the writing train. I really do love it and have a handful of hard, but meaningful/awesome/real life things to spill soon. Things much more profound than oven bacon, I promise :)

Today though … today is reserved for a style file. A style file of the his + hers variety since I really love this guy of mine and he’s prepping to move into the busy season at work. Dominic works at a lumber yard and is in a fabulous management training program. Someday that might mean we leave my beloved Pacific Northwest, it could also mean that we get to stay. It awfully unsettled for my super preparer’s heart to have things up in the air, but alas, it seems the Lord might just be trying to stretch this stubborn ol’ girl in yet another way. Leave it in His hands, chill out, focus on today and other such important phrases that leave me nodding in agreement while simultaneously rolling my eyes. Anyways, back to the lumber yard. When JORD contacted me about their wood watches I knew just would get a kick out of something awesome like that – my husband! IMG_7230IMG_7231IMG_7229IMG_7232IMG_7228

Dominic is wearing the JORD Sully Men’s Watch in Black and Maple. JORD also carries women’s watches and they offer sizing! That means you can wear your watch straight away when it arrives because it will fit perfect thanks to this customization option. 

Being that I’m a lumber yardman’s wife I’ve got it on my radar to snag a women’s JORD watch too, but in the meantime, I’ve found some subtle ways to incorporate my own touch of chic wood into my wardrobe. Can you guess what it is?



It’s that striking green necklace (with might I add a fab adjustable tie length) from Madre Beads! Madre Beads is chalk full (or should I perhaps say pine or fir full?) of gorgeous eco-friendly pieces for mamas and little girls alike, I’ve got my eye on this beauty next! And finally, since I know you’re all just dying to know where Dom found those hot jeans, here are the specifics of our his + hers style file :)

Dominic —– jeans, Levi 559 /// jacket, management training souvenir from a Vegas trip /// shoes, Romeos /// watch, c/o JORD

Gretchen — sunglasses, Target /// necklace, c/o Madre Beads /// blouse, GAP /// sweater vest, Ann Taylor LOFT /// jeans, Paige /// clogs, c/o Rack Room Shoes /// bracelet, KEEP Collective

Remember … when you shop online always visit eBates first (sign up here!) to earn back a percent of your purchase! My last check from eBates was for $51.60. And that’s just from regular purchases of things I’d already be getting. Nothing extravagant at all!


Wooden Watches by JORD

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