Finding The Good In Christmas

Christmas 2014

To be honest, Christmas, and December in general, isn’t always the greatest around here. It holds some sad anniversaries for our family – some decades old and some quite fresh; all of which offer a dull, throbbing pain while we smile and attempt to embrace the season’s activities, remember Christ’s birth and create traditions for our children that won’t be marked with sadness. 

Nothing like starting off 2015 with some a dose of real life, right?

Truly though, albeit some hard moments, this Christmas had some wonderful moments. And that’s what I want to chronicle and remember.

One /// Jemma and Max beamed pure joy for all of December. Everything about it made their eyes shine.

Two /// At the last moment we were blessed with tickets to Zoo Lights! It was barely above freezing, but the bestie and I bundled up our kiddos, ordered mochas and cocoa, and strolled the lights. But the winner of the night? The shark tank!

Three /// Palazzo pants were $5 at TJ Maxx; the right price for me to try something new in the fashion realm.

Four /// I got a balayage!

Five /// My mama is the Anthro copycat queen. Period. Nuff said. I can’t wait to see what else she comes up with this year.

Six /// We ate. A lot. My youngest sister and her husband were in town from Texas and they had a checklist of all the fave spots to visit. We got to tag along for most of them and jeepers, I just really love food. Which, will make the Whole30 that I’m kicking off today … difficult, to say the least.

Seven /// Who else love Settlers of Catan?

Eight /// Love this crew!

Nine /// Max had fun over Christmas, but it was Jemma who relished in it all. From baking cookies to announcing to all who would listen, “My mom has a secret Christmas room! No one can go in!!!” 

My personal highlight … having Hannah home, even if it was much too short of a visit. She’s the greatest military wife, sister and friend; a Pampered Chef consultant too in case you need to order anything or want to host a Facebook party :) I get to see her again in February too – yippee! All in all, I’m happy to say goodbye to December and welcome January; here’s to the best year yet!

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