The Fall Shoe Four-fecta

Hip hip hooray! Fall has arrived!

For as long as I can remember, Fall has been my favorite season. I’m sure, heavily influenced by my birthday being October 5th. The lovely rain, changing leaves and early sundown (also known as early bedtime for the children!) kind of seal the deal. Oh, and pumpkin everything, because yes – whether it be a latte, scones or pie, I heart me some pumpkin.

Seeing that you witnessed me wear my Birkenstocks 400 times this summer, I thought it was high time I introduce my fave Fall shoes … the four-fecta!

fall shoe fourfecta

I have a few other rain worthy kicks, but these are the four I seem to grab the very most. Well, and my running shoes because this mama is still hitting the pavement as long as the torrential rains stay away. I can deal with a strong drizzle, but I don’t like swimming. Gotta draw the line somewhere!

First up, my mocs. I’ve had these since college and just peek ^^^, they still look new! They’re comfy and match every ding dong thing. I’m a Minnetonka girl for life.

Last winter, when my feet had finally slimmed down from the pregnancy puff I ran across a pair of Fossil ankle boots on clearance at Macy’s. I scooped them up, fell in love and the rest is history. I don’t know the style name and just spent 20 minutes searching for a link … nothin’. These are similar. Mine do seem to have a bit of a cowgirl flair though. I’ll keep looking!

Who wants to sing the praises of Hunter rain boots with me? Everyone? You just can’t go wrong. I 100% believe I’ll be 84 years old and still wearing my Hunters. Don’t worry, I’ll totally blog it when that happens :) I have an aubergine pair and then, when Costco started carrying them last year I ordered a second pair in the traditional green. 

Last? These babies. They made me fall in love with cognac and have seen me through many seasons of life. I think they’ve been around for 5+ years now. They’re worn in and soft and again, I’ll be 84 trottin’ around in them. Skirts, leggings, skinnies, spiced up with scrunched up socks – they work with everything. Totally the best. I promise.

That’s it! My Fall shoe fourf-ecta! 

This post wasn’t sponsored at all, just my genuine love for some favorites! But, if you do opt to purchase a pair of Fall shoes for yourself, I highly recommend signing up for eBates so you can earn back a percentage of your purchase. I just got a $100 check from some referral credits and online purchases!

P.S. Four years ago today my water broke and Jemma was on her way … two days from now!

P.S.S. Don’t miss the prAna giveaway! Just don’t. I’m absolutely smitten with this jacket!

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