Let the Babymoon Begin!

I’m giving myself a little vacation. Sometime in the next day/week/month I’ll be doing the whole birth thing which means I’ll be blogging a little less in order to focus on my family and snuggle my new little man!

I’ll pop in from time to time, but to keep things rolling around here I’ll be sharing a number of guest posts from dear friends and re-posting a handful of guest posts I’ve written in the last year. You’ll love it all! I’ve got my trusty iPhone, so I’ll still be checking comments and email too :) Just bear with me if I’m a little slow on the responses, it’s super easy to read one handed, but responding without typos is an art in and of itself!

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  1. says

    I knew the time was imminent for your babymoon to come…. I so hope you enjoy it! I can't wait to hear your birth story, and I hope you're truly enjoying these last weeks of pregnancy. Big hugs and prayers coming from the southerly direction, headed your way!

  2. says

    Can't wait to see your family grow!

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