Stocking Stuffers For the Mister

This article is sponsored by hello products (click to see them all!), a special thank you to them for adding a little breath of super friendly fresh to my family’s holiday season.

Is it just me or are gifts for the mister especially difficult?
Don’t get me wrong – I know exactly what he wants (large ticket items that won’t fit under the tree or within our budget) and I know what he needs too (new undershirts and socks), but that usually leaves me still looking for the perfect gift that he’ll both appreciate and actually use. Not to mention his stocking!
This year I scored a Black Friday deal for my husband’s major gift and I know it will be a great fit! So much so that I’ve almost spoiled the surprise and given it to him early! Dare I say it’s the best Christmas gift I’ve mustered up in our seven Christmas’ as a couple (pat self on back). I’m still working on his stocking stuffers, but the good news is … I’ve got a solid brainstorm list going:
Hello breath spray | If you wanna kiss + greet freely this holiday season this breathe spray is a must. Ok, ok, maybe you want to keep the kissing at home under your family mistletoe but seriously friendly oral care is a good staple for everyone :) Tuck it in your pocket, purse or send with your hubby to work for his desk drawer … then he’ll be ready for important meetings and an after lunch refresher. I especially love these because they have no artificial sweeteners, dyes or alcohol and come in great flavors like supermint, pink grapefruit mint, mojito mint and cinnamint. Find them at Target, Walgreens and a variety of grocery stores. 
Jon Acuff’s book, Start |  Dom and I both love short, inspirational reads, the ones that really make you want to get up and go! Jon Acuff’s books fit the bill and I’m stoked for this one! The short recap says, Jon “explores the five stages every life goes through on the path to awesome and looks at what it takes to punch fear in the face, escape average, and do work that matters.” What a great book to start the New Year off with. 
Whiskey rocks | They’re for more than just whiskey! And the reviews speak for themselves, everyone seems to love whiskey rocks to chill their beverages.
Living Social voucher | We try our best to incorporate local giving into our gifts and stockings are no exception. Peruse Living Social, Groupon and Amazon Local and see what you find. I scored a voucher to a local pub for Dominic and I to try on a New Year date – $10 for $20 worth of menu items!
Deluxe toothpicks | Dominic is always looking for a toothpick after his meals and these are by far his favorite picks. The perfect addition to his stocking! 
DoTERRA OnGuard Throat Drops | Being the stud of a husband that he is, Dominic totally encourages and often buys into my steps to make our family healthier. This has resulted in a little healthcare kit in his desk at work with things he might need while away from home. This year, I’m adding the doTERRA OnGuard throat drops to have on hand when his throat starts to tickle. Not a true gift, but part of being an adult is appreciating the necessities too, right?
Haddon & Co bow tie | It wouldn’t be a stocking from me … er, Mrs. Claus … if I didn’t include a little burst of fashion. So this year, I’m totally eying a hip bow tie to accompany Dominic’s plaid shirt and pull-over sweater ensemble.
Other, less original, stocking stuffers I usually include are:
  • A magazine or two (or a subscription if I find a good deal!) – Dominic has always loved Sports Illustrated and has found a new love for Kiplinger’s.
  • New socks – I usually splurge on the Nordstrom ones because they truly last 100 times longer than cheaper dress socks. Costco has a good pack too though.
  • Snacks – This is different for every mister, but a stocking isn’t complete without a dose of yummy treats. This year, Dominic will be getting his own bag of peanut butter cups and some pepperoni sticks from the local meat market – his favorite are the jalapeno ones. 
  • And always, an orange in the toe because, traditions must live on!
What will your mister find in his stocking this year?
If you’d like to gift him a #helloholiday, enter the giveaway below for a coupon for one free hello product (up to $8.99). You’ll get to choose from a toothpaste, mouthwash or breath spray!
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  1. says

    Candy, socks, and you've inspired me now: breath spray!

  2. says

    I always do candy in Matt's stocking. Gotta continue what his mama started, you know! I usually add in chapstick, gum, floss (because we never seem to have any when he's looking for it) and in the past I've done playing cards, legos (!)… this year I'm adding those whisky rocks… who likes watered down root beer???

  3. says

    Definitely some chapstick, I feel like it wouldn't be christmas unless you got chapstick and oranges in your stocking :)

  4. says

    Socks for sure, because he can never have too many! And I'm thinking a boot knife for work… He's a police officer! = )