This little man brings so much joy to my heart. He is a constant source of snuggles and smiles and the bond growing between he and Jemma is absolutely darling. They are the sweetest brother and sister pair I know!
Ever since he was born, I’ve believed that Max is a very old soul. Sometimes the way he looks at me shows such a deep, kindhearted compassion. It’s amazing what a good long stare can communicate between two people, no matter their age. Not long ago I was worried silly about becoming a boy mama and now I couldn’t imagine it any other way! Max has stretched me and grown me in ways only the Lord could have planned.
If these days of manly grunts, wresting and food inhaling are any sign of my future I’m in for a very fun ride. I’ve told Dominic that if we only have boys from this point forward, I wouldn’t be disappointed. Although, if that’s comes true I will have a truck load of the sweetest girl’s clothes to pass on. Pretty much, boys are the bee’s knees in my book. Especially if they are anything like my Max.
Love you Bubs!

P.S. Do you see his bunny teeth?!? I finally caught them in a photo! Sad thing is, those chompers bit me the other day! It wasn’t at all malicious, it was almost like he didn’t fully know they were there/grown in that far. Hoping for many non-biting nursing days ahead :) And yes, we’re subtly shouting our state pride with the adorable state tee c/o of Deya Studios – Washingtonians for life!
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eeek! i LOVE his tee! also? cutest man baby ever!
Aww, sweet little thing!
I LOVE this. From another Boy Mama, isn't it amazing!? There's just something about little boys that make a Mama's heart soar. I have have 2 boys, but would be totally happy having another one. And it's funny that you say that you feel like Max is an "old soul". I say that about my littlest all of the time. Like a little old man trapped in a baby body. lol
He is SO cute!!!
I have a three year old daughter, and a 4 month old son. I, too, was so worried about mothering a boy! I could only picture myself with girls, and I had to force myself to be excited about having a boy……that is, until the second he arrived! It's been a blast, and I secretly hope our next one (eventually) is another boy!
Glad I'm not the only one who is kinda hoping for another little man :)
It really is amazing! Totally a different and unique bond compared to what I have with my daughter. It's such a blessing as I'm sure you know!
I know! I want a mama sized one :)
Max is so cute! My oldest is named Max :) He's almost 8 I can't believe it! I also have a SIL named Gretchen (such a pretty name).
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I think Gretchen is either one of those names your love or turn up your nose at :) I'd had multiple seasons of each, ha! I love that Max will grow with him – it's darling on a little boy, but I can see him maturing well with it too!