“This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Lean Cuisine, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #HonestlyGood #ad http://comp.ly/3/8vNxcO.”
You know that song Man on the Run?
Well, most days I feel like I’m the mom version … I’m mom on the run! At least that’s the song playing in my mind as I wait in the Starbucks drive-thru and I’m mentally ticking off everything going on that day. Between grocery shopping, school, appointments and random errands it seems that we’re always buzzing somewhere.
In the mornings, as I gather our things – diapers, snacks, clothes changes, returns, sippies, favorite books, Princess Luna (Jemma’s current My Little Pony bestie), Jem’s school bag, shoes – can’t forget those!, mama’s purse, keys and coats – I tend to forget one thing, nourishment for me. Hence I’m in the drive-thru at breakfast, pouring out much too much money for my daily decaf and usually going hungry by lunchtime. Then I get shaky from low blood sugar and super grumpy. And that never results is a peaceful parent or happy children.
Juggling a young family is no easy task and after Max was born my midwife gave me some of the best advice I’ve ever received a parent. She said, “A well cared for mom, is a well cared for family.” Yeah, golden. I’ve logged that wisdom away and dwell on it often, apply it when I can. Truly, I need to apply it more.
And that’s where I’ve welcomed Lean Cusine’s Honestly Good meals into my life. Because I can’t let the busyness of the day leave me hungry.
You see, I’ve hit that point in my postpartum life where I’m still breastfeeding, therefore often hungry, but somehow still losing weight. I’m below my pre-pregnancy weight (read also as – a completely different shape than pre-pregnancy, ha!) and really need to focus on eating good, healthy calories to keep up my energy. And let’s face it, granola bars just don’t cut it for this hungry mama bear. I need something more balanced. Something like Lean Cuisine’s Honestly Good freezer meals – they’re all natural and packed full of wholesome ingredients. It’s like they were designed with mamas in mind.
Twice a week, before preschool, the kids and I run errands in the morning and then meet my mom for lunch in her classroom. These are my marathon mornings where I tend to forget that I need to eat too. So, what better opportunity to grab a Lean Cuisine during our stop at Target and actually look forward to lunch time instead of dreading the hour where my tummy starts to rumble?
My mom and I shared the Honey Citrus Chicken and the Pomegranate Chicken meals and we all loved them. And when I say we, I also mean the two little munchkins who decided to snag bites of Mama and Mimi’s lunch :) The veggies were fresh, the meat tender and I’m really hoping that Lean Cuisine starts bottling the sauces – they were my favorite part!
I’ve also tried the Pineapple Black Pepper Beef and that gets a thumbs up too! I warmed it up on one of those nights where bedtime struck before I had a chance to eat my own dinner. And skipping dinner is a total “no no” when it comes to a well cared for mama.
Are you a mom on the run like me? Don’t forget to take care of yourself, because “a well cared for mama, is a well cared for family” and I know a happy, healthy family is definitely a goal we all strive for. Think you’ll try a Lean Cuisine Honestly Good meal to keep you going – which one?
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aw, i love those pics of your mom's classroom. brings back good memories of volunteering there!
Congrats on being under you pre-preggo weight! I love lean cuisine, these ones look both healthy and yummy!
I have always loved Lean Cuisine. I lost 40 lbs. before I had my youngest son and Lean Cuisine was my lunch every single day during that time. Microwave meals have come a long way.
Yay you and achieving weight loss! I have always loved Lean Cuisine, and there is one kind they used to have several years ago that I loveloveloved but then it went away!
Oh no! I really don't want the pomegranate one to ever go away! Too delicious!
i actually just weighed myself and saw that i was below my pre pregnancy weight too…not sure how thats possible bc i have clothes that still dont fit!
Such a quick and easy way for a healthy meal!! Yum!
Seriously, I give a big HECK yes for quick & healthy when it comes to meals!!
Love that you shared with your mom! Looks like a happy + healthy lunch! :)
I know! It's like they are a MUST HAVE for motherhood :)
These are so so yummy!!! I love how easy they are to prepare!