Hey Bubs,
Mama is kind of in denial about you being 11 months, just 30 days until THE BIG DAY. Your birthday! In so many ways you are still my squishy little baby. You love to snuggle, nurse and be close. Always. And I love it. Thanks for filling up my mama heart on the daily!
Instead of wallowing in the fast pace of the last 11 months, I’m moving forward with wonderful plans to celebrate your first birthday – an ice cream social! I’ve been thrifting nifty 50’s ice cream bowls and Mimi is sewing a darling banner to take pictures with. Daddy and I have been remaking the under stair hideout as your gift. So far, we’ve got the whole design in mind and we’ve started painting. It’s going to be such a fun little place for you and your sister to play!
Much love to you my handsome little man! Mama loves you!
So full of emotions – happy, shy, serious, mad … that’s about the rotation he goes through most days. And laughter, but I’ll have to catch that on video some day :)
At 11 months, Max …
balls, bananas, crackers, baths with mama, wrestling with Jemma, nursing in funny positions, walking along furniture, looking out the sliding glass door, playing airplane, swings, climbing stairs
seeing mama leave the room, getting his nose wipes
“hi”, “bye”, “mama”, “dada”, “ba” (ball) and signs “all done”
26 pounds, 11 ounces
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that last pic is precious. i cannot believe how fast time has flown with these babies!!
Augh! He grew up with record speed in the last month. He looks so much like a little boy instead of a baby!
He does! It's crazy how fast it happens! I can hardly take it … can you say "baby fever?"