He’s a Mover and a Shaker

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Huggies, but all my opinions are my own. #HuggiesSlipOn @pmedia http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO 

Max, he’s a mover and a shaker. So, when we’re out and about or tossin’ and turnin’ at night, I opt for a little extra protection in the diaper department. Because 1) leaks and poo splatters are not on my list of wants while I’m carting two kids around town and 2) changing bed sheets in the middle of the night due to a leak is no bueno. 

With chubby legs and a big milk belly, Huggies Slip Ons offer a great fit for my wiggle man. He can crawl – regular and his signature bear crawl – stand and toggle walk (his favorite) like no one’s business and these Huggies stay put. I was a little skeptical of the slip on feature, but with the stretchy sides, boom, they shimmied right on. And the velcro tabs make changes a breeze. It’s a win all around.

Beyond diapers, I know my little mover and shaker will do big things in his life. He’s already begun. At not yet a year, he exudes a sweet and gentle spirit. He reads emotions like a book and smiles heartily throughout the day. Joy is his compass and in his days to come I just know that he will impact many lives in a positive way. He shook up our world with his appearance last summer and every day since he has affirmed that our family is the perfect place for him to grow, learn and become all he is meant to be. So, although right now we’re just trying to keep up with all his physical moves – before I know it he’ll be moving major mountains. And all those moves will make me a proud mama. Proud, indeed.

Have your own little mover? Give Huggies Slip Ons a try with this $2 off coupon – be sure to print it before you hit Target. And even more awesome, enter this giveaway for a $25 gift card to Target to purchase a stash of Huggies for your little mover. FREE diapers – yay! Or whatever else you may need or want at Target :)
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  1. Scott and Jamie Durh says

    i caught madison chewing on a weed that she picked during our walk this morning. leaned right over the edge of the stroller and swiped it off the plant. quick one, i tell ya!

  2. Hannah Ervin says

    Without a doubt, Levi's fascination with the toilet is THE WORST! This kid has super sonic hearing. If that door opens and, better yet, doesn't close behind someone then he is off like a rocket ninja to go fish. Gag.

  3. Jessica says

    He Kept going in the fridge and getting the broccolii

  4. Chelsie McKinney says

    He has yet to crawl, but Carter wants to chew on everything! The worst is when he gets my hair!

  5. Bianca says

    This is a more recent story – we went to our neice's 6th birthday party at a skating rink. There was tons of family there and we all were watching each other's kids. Somehow Penny fell through the cracks and after a minute of losing sight of her, I began to frantically look around.Where did I find her? Splashing in the men's toilet. >.<

  6. mami2jcn says

    Once my son learned to crawl, he started to head for the stairs. It was cute but scary.Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy

  7. Anne Petre says

    Once my son started walking he was into everything! The worst has been keeping him out of the litterbox! The best has been when he puts himself in his pushcart and begs for a ride :)

  8. Elena Istomina says

    One day my son took off his diaper and tried to put it on our cat

  9. A Windsor says

    8 solid of years of diapers are over for us! I would like to say I won't miss it, but I loved my little baby boys!

  10. Lorina says

    My son got into aquaphor & smeared it everywhere…they are so fast!

  11. sweeper78 says

    When I was watching my baby cousin and she was crawling around and knocked over and crawled into the trash can (it was empty because I had just taken out the bag).

  12. says

    Our daughter sees bugs before I do.. she squishes ants and tells me when there are dead flies or bees.. luckily she hasn't eaten one yet.

  13. Meegan Whitford says

    My little nephew always got into the garbage he was worse than the puppies! Another thing was the dog food.

  14. Mandy says

    I've got two movers- into everything! :)

  15. Anonymous says

    I turned around to find Noah (14 months) on top of the dining room table!! o.O Jessica

  16. says

    I will be back in the market for diapers very soon, perfect timing!

  17. says

    You are making me want another baby NOW. Oh my… such a cutie!

  18. Terri Davis says

    Dog food!! & stairs :)

  19. Ruthy T. says

    more like what doesn't she get into?! she gets into everything!!

  20. says

    I have not tried them yet, but i might need to! Thanks

  21. says

    I have not tried them yet, but i might need to! Thanks

  22. Joelle P says

    So glad mine are out of diapers, they never stop moving though!

  23. Cindy B says

    Worst thing was he crawled over to the bedside table and knocked a lamp over… thankfully there was no bulb in it so nothing got broken so glad it was just the lamp and no one got hurt.

  24. says

    My two are older but still movers. A gift card would be great for some back to school items.

  25. says

    My two are older but still movers. A gift card would be great for some back to school items.

  26. usnamom2014 says

    tv remotes and would hide them in unusual spots

  27. says

    So far at 10 months old, he always has the dog's toys. And squeals with delight I catch him, throws the toy and crawls quickly away. :) Thanks for the diaper advice, I'm needing to figure out what we need for this new moving & shaking stage we're in.

  28. Debnmike Moretti says

    He just wrote on the wall….with a Sharpie!!!

  29. Amanda Wilson says

    I guess we don't have one really crazy story, just that our son got into EVERYTHING for a while. He explored his new environment with gusto, and enjoyed every minute of it. He's almost two now, but it seems like he's still discovering new things every day. Yesterday, it was spreading around the laundry that I just folded, and using multiple pairs of underwear as scarves…:)

  30. Julie Ragozzine says

    My little one is only 6 months & just thinking about getting into things … but I can tell she's going to be a curious destroyer!

  31. Carla says

    The worst is when they get into the trash can… why do they do that?! LOL

  32. brynne says

    i have one on the way, so i'm excited for all of the things to look forward to!

  33. Elisabeth says

    Unfortunately the baby powder. :(

  34. Melissa Morris says

    In the oven drawer is what comes to mind!

  35. Maureen says

    My little one can get into ANYTHING. One day she got into a sleeve of Oreos, sat under the table, and ate half of the Oreos! She was covered in chocolate!Maureenmaureen.tenney@gmail.com

  36. Laurajj Jacobson says

    Oh once walking around in the backyard he brought me a pinecone and said poop. LOL…he thought it was the dog poop! Had to laugh!

  37. Laura Burns says

    My little one started climbing at 9 months… before she could walk. Imagine my surprise as I rounded the corner into the living room to find her scaling the bookshelves by our fireplace just to get her little hands on the fingernail clippers she had spied and wanted!

  38. says

    I dont have kids. But when babies I have watched I just tried to watch for them while letting them do what they wanted.

  39. cezovski says

    I caught him trying to eat out of the cat food dishRafflecopter: Carolsue

  40. Meghan Finley says

    arm stuck in the baby gate!

  41. kolpin says

    my niece likes paper bags, esp wearing them on her head, then running around the house bumping into things.