In the week leading up to our potty adventures, Jemma picked out a pack of panties at Target – Dora one’s. Every day we talked about how awesome our panties were and how excited we were to wear them. We were giving all our diapers to Max because he is a baby.
Days three through five were pretty much the same. Phrases like, “Are you listening to your body? What does it say?” and “Let’s go sit on the potty together!” Lots of potty talk. Lots and lots.
We had over first big outing over the weekend. A trip to the parade! We packed the little potty to keep in the back of the car and she happily took a potty break while we were out. Because, no, we have not yet attempted the big/normal potty. Also known as “the mama potty”.
So … that’s where we’re at. Listening to our body when it tells us it is time to pee. It’s crazy how big of a little girl she seems when I see her sitting on the potty and she asks me to shut the door for “privacy!”.
Although we’ve had a bounty of successes, I’m considering this phase one of our transition to potty independence. Next up is slowly but surely overcoming our poo fear (readily accepting gently advice here!) and then transition to the big potty so I can stop packing the little potty on our outings. That’ll be the day.
So – as far as I’ve experienced, there is no magic process to this whole potty transition. Every child is different and each one is on their own time frame. It takes lots of patience and perseverance. Calm voices, lots of panties and a hefty dose of encouraging reading in the evenings for me :) Here is where I’ve found great advice:
Gentle Potty Learning Tips
Potty Learning: The Road to Success
Potty Learning With Patience and Praise
Easy Potty Learning for Toddlers
Toilet Learning
The Four Stages of Toilet Learning
This might seem totally whacky, but what about having her sit on the potty to poop while she is still wearing her diaper? Maybe doing that a few times would ease her into doing it solo. Good luck!
This might seem totally whacky, but what about having her sit on the potty to poop while she is still wearing her diaper? Maybe doing that a few times would ease her into doing it solo. Good luck!
You're not the first mom that I've heard of doing the every-15-minute thing. One woman that had a boy waited til the warmer months to potty train and taught her son how to pee off of the front porch (nothing to clean up, easier to point the wee-wee when not in such a tiny bowl.How old was your little one when you started potty training?