“Mom’s Taking Us To The Zoo Tomorrow …”

Oh, Raffi, you have a song for every life event. What would we do without you? 
With the unfortunate events of Dominic’s unemployment, we’ve been blessed with some extra family time these last few weeks. Gotta look on the bright side! Most of this time has been dedicated to projects at home, although I keep telling him, all the projects on HGTV come together much faster than ours :). But, we did squirrel away a whole day to spend at the zoo for a little something fun!
This zoo trip was Jemma’s second visit – she was around Max’s age the first time we went – and this time was so much more awesome. Two and a half is the perfect age for a zoo trip. She couldn’t wait to check out all the “aminals” and seeing that it was a cool day in early April (read, chance of rain, only trek out if you dare), the zoo wasn’t very busy.
We packed up the car with all our gear and oh, was there a lot of gear, got a fix-it ticket for a dead brake light on the way (so lame), and pulled into the zoo around 10 am with coffee in hand. 
Commence the photo documentation …
Jemma’s favorite zoo friends were the elephants, followed by the penguins and the aquarium full of “fee!” – she still talks about them often! The weather turned out PERFECT, Max snoozed on the go and we had a yummy picnic lunch that did not get stolen by the seagulls.
We’re already planning our next zoo trip – a different one farther north – as our Mother’s Day celebration! Jemma is a obviously a zoo girl and since I walked and wore Max the entire time, he is a zoo lover too!
P.S. Things on the job front are looking good – I hope to have awesome news to share soon! Dominic has been working so hard to find a new and better position and I am so proud of him! He’s a real trooper – up early, job research, home projects and baby snuggles. In the Daddy/husband job of life, I’m giving him an A+! Plus, I can’t rave enough about how he has prepared our family financially for the unknowns that life often throws. Before I became a SAHM we completed Baby Step 3 (following Dave Ramsey’s guide), saving 3-6 months of our living expenses. This has allowed us to breath easy (well, at least easier) as we’ve paid our first month’s mortgage payment with virtually no income! Eek! In a time that would otherwise be extremely scary, I feel so blessed that Dominic has safeguarded our family with diligence in our finances. And, praise the Lord that it looks like he’ll be back working soon – less than a month after he was laid off!
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  1. says

    Yay for financial Peace! I'm sorry to read about this loss, but I'm so grateful you have a family that is prepared!!!AND for time to be a family. Sometimes, I find myself caught up in the whirl of life and work and diapers and forget to stop and have fun.

  2. Bianca T says

    I love the picture of J in the aquarium. The zoo is literally one of my favorite places to be, and can't wait to share that with Penny. Perhaps a joint trip this summer?Prayers for you guys while you navigate through this treacherous time, and praise for the foresight of having a little stash to draw from…

  3. says

    is it weird that i didn't even know who raffi was until about a month ago? i know WHO he is now, but i have no idea what his music sounds like.

  4. says

    What a bad time to get laid off….glad to hear things are looking up and you have some savings to get you through. I'll be praying for your family!

  5. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Oh, it's catchy! I'm sure the boys would love it :) I mean, I like some songs too … when I'm in that super peppy and energetic kid's song mood, lol!

  6. ThatMamaGretchen says

    I'm totally up for a joint trip this summer!

  7. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Seriously – FPU is awesome! It has had some stressful moments of course, but we're making the best of it. Hoping for a job offer tomorrow :)

  8. says

    i haven't been there in years. i want to go there sometime. i usually just go to the zoo in seattle.

  9. ThatMamaGretchen says

    They have a brand new kid's area – it is awesome! Definitely take a trip when you get a chance!