The Music Hour

This post is brought to you by The New Santa Fe from Hyundai. Think your family rocks? Show us by uploading a photo of your family rocking out. Enter now for a chance to win great prizes.

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Every morning at 10 am the littles and I stop what we’re doing and turn on music. Sometimes it’s classical, sometimes it’s worship, sometimes it’s the soundtrack to Jemma’s favorite movie – whatever it is, we rock out! We dance, we sing, and we pick up toys to a beat. I call it The Music Hour.

I implemented The Music Hour shortly after Max was born. I’ve been trying oh so hard to establish some type of learning activity with Jemma each day. I don’t often succeed, the normal day to day happenings keep me from setting up a craft or picking a weekly theme. I feel disheartened by this fact, but it’s our reality right now and I’m choosing to be present in the small ways I can. Hence, The Music Hour. We have to pick up toys, I must fold laundry, and Jemma has become a pro at gently bouncing Max in his bouncer while I’m in the shower – why not do all those hum drum activities to a fun tune?
Jemma cracks up when I sing in funny voices. 
She adores being in my arms and swaying to a soft song. 
Max’s grins are priceless as I tap a beat on his tummy.
And I feel like a Broadway star humming throughout the day.
A “whistle while your work” sort of mentality, I guess.
It’s all a part of The Music Hour.
There is no doubt, it is here to stay.

I’d be tooting my own horn if I said I was proud of our daily music time. But, hey, this is my blog so I’m going to play this trumpet all day long! It’s truly a blessing to be present. To be silly. To just BE with my children. Music makes us all happy and I look forward to many, many more years of The Music Hour with my sweethearts.

How do you incorporate music into your every day?

I’ve been reading up on the importance of music for little one’s brain development and cognitive skills; there is so much research on this topic! Music is absolutely crucial when it comes to stretching children’s creativity, gaining balance, learning patterns, and gathering skills that will later help them be successful in math and other subjects. Here are a few of my recent reads:
Music Together
The Importance of Music in Early Education
Four Important Reasons for Including Music in the Classroom

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Hyundai Santa Fe and Rolling Stone are looking for families who rock and whose values include kindness, sharing, hard work, loud singing, mud, practical jokes and mischief in general.

Hyundai Santa Fe would love for you to upload a photo of your family sharing how you rock on the daily! Be sure to include a brief introduction (500 words or less) about your family and you could win a photo shoot in Rolling Stone featuring the winning family shot by an industry photographer, airfare, hotel and transportation to the 55th Grammy Awards, and a fully tricked-out Hyundai Santa Fe custom rock ā€˜nā€™ roller. 
before December 14, 2012

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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  1. says

    Aw how fun! I need to do that more often. I used to do it more when it was just Brendan and Carter but have gotten out of the habit. I bet Jemma and Max just love it! Good job mama!

  2. M'Lissa says

    Love this idea! Bishop and Duke absolutely love music! I should send you some videos of them dancing. We actually do a Music Together class with Duke on Saturday mornings and we did it with Bishop when he was little as well. Duke seems to have a bit more rhythm then Bishop does but they love to dance. Their tastes in music is interesting as well. Duke definitely knows what song he wants to here and when I am playing a CD in the car he will clue me into which song he wants and will get angry if I put on the wrong one. He loves to bob his head back and forth to the bumps. Bishop's dance sometimes turns into an interesting wiggle dance and sometimes turns into almost a "slam" dance which I try to bring back under control to avoid injuries. :) The only reason I am keeping our piano in our small house is because I hope to have one or both of them take lessons in the next few years. Lord knows I don't get enough time to play it. All in all, music is so important.

  3. ThatMamaGretchen says

    I need to look into some type of class for Jemma. I think she would really enjoy it. She must have Bishop's dance genes because her moves are quite funny. Kind of a gimp limp movement with waving arms and a big smile :) It makes me laugh every time!

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