Oh, Sister of mine …
I’m here to pass on some sisterly words of wisdom to you today. I’m not sure if you remember, but while I was in college I went through a holiday break-up. It wasn’t my choice, I was holding on pretty hard, but not for reasons you might expect.
You see, for this particular boyfriend’s Christmas gift I had searched high and low for a very specific gift. It was expensive, from a foreign country, and I knew it would be loved and appreciated regardless of our relationship status. It arrived in the mail just days before Christmas. The same day of the unfortunate DTR (define the relationship) conversation.
With a tearful goodbye, I handed off the gift and walked to my car. I remember thinking, How convenient to break up shortly before Christmas so you wouldn’t have to put any effort into finding me a gift. Do you know how long and hard I searched for something perfect for you? Good riddance! We’re obviously not meant to be. Albeit, it’s kind of a downer to be newly single right before Christmas! What I really should have been telling myself was … Break it off long before the holidays, girl. At the first sign of short-term, run. Don’t shop for a meaningful gift for someone who has not proved to be the one. Save that effort and thoughtfulness for someone who will be around forever. They are the one who deserves your searching. Resist the notion to be cuffed to a random boy during the holidays.
Now, enough of that serious talk. I think you get the idea. Here’s my witty list of “the brighter side of a single Christmas”. It will bring you Christmas cheer for sure!
All that to say, know your sis loves you to pieces and I’m so happy you’re single this holiday season. That means you get to spend more time with my little family since there won’t be an obnoxious boy pulling at your attention!
I don't think I've been single during Christmas, but I've had a few Christmases in the past when I wished I was. As for the AZO, that stuff is amazing. It has saved me from misery many, many times.