Hi everyone! I’m Amy from Not Your Average Baby Blog. I love talking makeup, hanging out with my 1-year-old, my oh-so-amahzing husband, and talking about my worst fears.
Favorite completed Pinterest project … Well I didn’t get it from Pinterest, but it is very Pinterest-y in my book. I think it should be ALL OVER PINTEREST, actually (*hint*). I found this mirror at TJ Maxx one day that had a long crack in it, but it was only $3.50 so had to buy it anyway. I found a fix and now my walls are in love with it. Read about how I did it here.
Recent favorite mama moment … One of my favorite mama moments happened the other day. My 13 month old spilled milk out of his sippy cup, walked to the kitchen, reached a paper towel that was sitting on the counter, walked back to the spill and tried to wipe it up! Tears guys, serious tears. It was so cute I almost melted on the spot.
Guilty pleasure … Four words: Mint Oreo Ice Cream
Recent read … Oh my, too many. I was (still am) a tad obsessed with The Hunger Games trilogy, and am now starting Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum Series (I know I’m late to the game, but I’m loving them).
Favorite baby product … Anything California Baby. I would die without that brand. Allergen free is a must for us and they use awesome, clean ingredients.
Favorite Bible verse … Psalm 37:4, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” I just think that verse is so sweet, and I truly believe I married my husband because of it. My aunt and uncle gave me a key chain with that verse on it, and one day I just started really thinking about what it meant to “delight yourself in the Lord.” I was at a time in my life where I really wasn’t concerned with the future and I was more focused on what I wanted to do than what God had for me. The day I read that verse I decided I was going to change that and that I was going to focus on God’s plan for me and forget about being so focused on my own agenda. Two months later I met my then-future husband and never had any idea just how much God knew what he was doing when he was choosing my husband (I realize this sounds off–but I’m just being honest. The selfish, I know what I want attitude that I always carried gave me that fear that I wouldn’t be happy if I didn’t do what I thought I wanted. Obviously I was being ridic–God has a funny way of showing us just how off base we really are sometimes).
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Thanks for posting this, Gretchen! : ) xoxo
Of course! Thanks for sharing :)