Meet That Mama | Keri-Anne from I was the sea

Keri-Anne is a true peach – I adore her sweet girls and beautiful pictures. Her blog is always full of inspiration, kind words, and just the boost of peace every mama needs on the daily! Thanks for joining Meet That Mama today!
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Hello, my name is Keri-Anne. I write over at I was the sea. I am a dreamer who is married to an auburn haired boy and i am a mama to two beautiful fairy girls, Elle and Mia. I love baking, sewing, thrifting, photography, walks through forests and picnics by the riverside.

Favorite complete Pinterest project … I have made a hanging bird branch that was pinned by Ruby Ellen from Cakies blog. I blogged about it here. I this one hanging in Elle’s room and one with pink floral fabric hanging in mine and my husbands. I have plans to customise is slightly for Mia’s room where i am hoping to make it a sea with a paper boat floating under a raining cloud.

Goal I hope to complete in the next year … I hope to have the house complete. We live in a lovely town house and i have been working on each room. I want to have every room finished and also the garden just perfect full of fairy lights and blooming flowers.

Recent favorite moment as a mama TODAY! Mia started walking. Elle started walking at 11 months. Mia is nearly 16 months and i was starting to get a teeny bit worried that she wouldnt do it. She took her very first step on my birthday last week and this morning she took 4 steps. By late evening, she was walking the length of the living room. It made my heart do somersaults. She was so proud of herself too as she squealed each time and Elle was there cheering her on each time she went off.

Guilty pleasure Biggest Loser! I LOVE it. I just find it very soul soothing to see how determined these people are to change their lives. I like to watch it which then motivates me to do my daily evening workout DVD once the girls are sleeping!

Describe your perfect day It would start with a lie in that’s for sure! I would then have a lovely morning bath whilst my husband and girls play downstairs. I will be listneing and smiling with my heart bursting. We would then pack up a picnic, get into Dolly our car and drive out to the river in the countryside. We would stay there, breathing in the fresh air and watching the girls play together and discover new plants and flowers. We would stay until sunset and all sit in a row, watching it go down. The girls would fall asleep in our arms on the way back to the car. We would get home, carry them to bed and then snuggle on the sofa together with a movie. Oh and we would hold hands :)

Recent book read … The latest book I have read is Ruby by Francesca Lia Block. She is my favourite author and i think that is my favourite book of hers. I also reccomend “Moonchild” by her. It is her personal account of having her daughter and inspired me in so many ways when I had Elle.

Favorite baby product … The Moby Wrap. I love it! When I had Elle, I didn’t know about wraps and slings. we had a back carrier but only used it once. i parented her completely different to how I parented Mia. I carried Mia up until a few weeks ago in the Moby Wrap. She would sleep there and just stay close to me. She went through a very fussy stage when she wanted to be nursed every second of the day so i would feed her then pop her in the wrap and get on and she would be soothed and would just go to sleep. It was perfect for us. I didn’t have those moment where I would pace the room with her screaming like I did with Elle. I would spend hours trying to calm Elle down but Mia never had that as the Moby Wrap was pure magic!

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