Slow as a Snail With a Dash of Decor Inspiration

Back in April I was super stoked because it looked like the county was on our side and we would be moving ahead with the house in no time at all.

Did you catch that … BACK IN APRIL.

It’s July now. JULY! The county has decided that we need to file a full application for the setback adjustment (even though the setback has been approved in the past). I would love to say “boo-ya” county and move forward anyway, but without the adjustment we can’t get a building permit because the current setback make the property too small and therefore, unbuildable. Why it expired in the first place, I don’t know. I suspect it is so the county can process more paperwork, frustrate more people, and soak up another $1,500 that will be wasted God only knows where …

Can you tell how much I love and adore the county? Lordy, if the government were a legit business they would be out of biz-nass.

Did I mention that the wait time for this whole application process is 8-12 weeks. Yep. That’s 2-3 months. And who knows if that’s accurate. So, it looks like we’ll be with my parents for much longer than initially expected. But, isn’t that how the house building process goes. Slow as a snail?

Most days I try not to think about the delay. Instead, I relish in the future hope of what will be. Enter Chip It! With the Chip It site, you can take any photo and pull Sherwin-Williams paint colors from it. LOVE! Here are some of my favorite chip creations …

This is our lovely bedspread – only $65 on super Anthropologie clearance last Christmas!

Found this on Pinterest and loved the mood it set – now I can create a room based on it!
I’m dreaming of a “You Are My Sunshine” theme room for Jemma, or maybe a playroom … I love these colors as my inspiration

Now that I have an extra 2-3 months on my hands, expect to see many more Chip Its … it can be kind of addicting in a wonderful, I-love-my-future-home sort of way.

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  1. SadieDear says

    What a super-cool tool! I love it! Also? I think most local governments have some sort of subversive agenda. I hate it. Just Google "Jefferson County, Alabama", though… and thank your lucky stars. Hehe. You'll get that stuff sorted out when the time is right! I know it's tough in the time being, but I wish peace for you right now.

  2. says

    Continue To look at the bright side, you have many helping hands for a few more months :)