26 Weeks

Hey there little man!

You are seriously a mover and a shaker – ten times more active than your sister every was! Your favorite hours seem to be between 10pm and 12am … you know, right when I’m trying to fall asleep for the night. I hope that isn’t a routine we keep up once you are earthside!

Daddy and I are getting so excited for your arrival. We have quite a few things to get ready first … but, just the same, August will be such a wonderful month!

Keep growing and we’ll keep loving you … hugs and kisses from Mama, Daddy, and Jemma too!

  • How big is baby? The size of lettuce, a 14 inch, 2 pound head of lettuce
  • Weight gain/loss? 18 pounds which means I’ve finally reached 155, my Jemma pre-pregnancy weight
  • Maternity clothes? Yes, most everything is just more comfortable when it is long and stretchy :) I found 3 new tops at the JBF sale for $3-$5 each – STEAL!
  • Best moment this week? Moving into the third trimester – craziness!
  • Movement? Tons and tons and tons!
  • Food cravings? Cobb salads
  • Gender? A sweet little man
  • What I miss? Not getting winded when I go up and down the stairs – uh, I feel like I’m always exercising and that is soooooo not my thing
  • What I am looking forward to? Little man’s aunties are planning a lovely little shower for baby and I in May
  • Shopping for? Not a whole lot right now, I’m waiting for garage sale season to begin! I really REALLY want to find a sturdy changing table/dresser to paint a funky color.
  • Name ideas? Same ones … toggling between Max and Reid, mostly, briefly talked about Alec and Cash this week. I need to dig out the baby book and see if there are any gems I’m missing
  • Reading? A bunch of magazines, catching up on Family Fun, Kiwi, and Rachael Ray
  • Weekly wisdom? Ask the hubby for help when he is home … if he hesitates, say you are having a bout of Braxton-Hicks (it’s usually true in my case!)
  • Milestones? We passed the viability mark which always gives me a breathe of relaxation, peace, and thankfulness
… Oh so many ways to follow along …
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  1. Songbirdsandbuttons says

    You look fantastic! I have those same moccasins! Love. Congrats on hitting the first trimester!

  2. SadieDear says

    Yay for the final stretch! And, I must remark that I love the new banner. Keep it up, mama!

  3. ThatMamaGretchen says
