Ah! Can you believe I’m adding a baby boy to my brood!
I really didn’t have a good guess if this baby was a boy or girl – my pregnancy has been practically the same. Only difference has been preggo acne (boo!!!) and I was nauseous a little bit longer than I was Jem.
At our ultrasound baby was measuring a little big and they adjusted my due date … again. So, really I’m sticking with my phrase of “early August” as I’ve been quoted a range of about 10 days. Jemma was a week early, so I guess that could even mean end of July. We shall see …
- How big is baby? The size of a cantaloupe and according to our ultrasound about 10 ounces
- Weight gain/loss? I’m up a total of about 10 pounds
- Maternity clothes? Pants are still a little big, but I’m appreciating the length in my maternity tops and tanks
- Stretchies? Nothing new, although some look shinier … BOO :(
- Sleep? I’ve been waking up around 3am every night and have a hard time going back to sleep after my bathroom visit
- Best moment this week? Our ultrasound last Thursday and the gender reveal party on Saturday
- Movement? SO MUCH! This little man is a mover and a shaker :)
- Food cravings? Strawberries and oranges, salads, especially Caesar with lots of lemon
- Gender? 45% of you guessed girl, but this time … minority wins!
- Labor signs? None
- Belly button in or out? Yes! And it pops out more and more each day! I used to hate it, but now, it’s just one of the joys of being pregnant.
- What I miss? Being able to eat onions, they give me killer heartburn just like last time. It’s my pregnancy plague :(
- What I am looking forward to? Shopping, planning, and deciding on a name
- Weekly wisdom? People are going to tell you the worst part of their pregnancy/birth no matter what you do or say – you just gotta let it roll off your back and outta your mind
- Milestones? 20 week is halfway and that always feels like a big milestone! And, since we didn’t find out Jemma’s gender, our ultrasound was HUGE!
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THIS PHOTO IS ADORABLE!!! =) and ps boys rule!
Loving this photo/your belly. And welcome to the world of boys! I'm a little jealous that you will have one of each gender- perfect.
Love the outie belly button times! And double boo for shiny stretch marks – got them over here too.
I had terrible pregnancy acne until we visited Seattle for Christmas, and I started using the Trader Joe's Tea Tree Oil Face Wipes that I found at my parent's house. My skin cleared right up and I had my mom ship multiple boxes of it to me! Maybe it was just the timing of my pregnancy (with my acne going away around 25 weeks), but I still use those little wipes once a day and my skin is so much better!
Thanks for the tip! I'm heading to traders ASAP!