16 Weeks

This is real life.
Messy kitchen – no one to take pictures – pajamas.
But we are safe, happy, healthy, and at home. Those things are all wonderful.
  • How big is baby? As big as an avocado – must be why we are having Mexican for dinner :)
  • Weight gain/loss? I’m up about 3-5 pounds, right around 140-142
  • Maternity clothes? I’ve pulled out a few tops, it was like shopping in my own closet!
  • Stretchies? Nothing new
  • Sleep? Sleep is getting better, Jemma and I have been having 10-12 hour nights. Bliss! Still getting up to pee though.
  • Best moment this week? I think I felt some little flutters last week! So much earlier than with Jemma.
  • Movement? Yes, little ones :)
  • Food cravings? Cereal, Burgerville burgers with salsa on top, and lots of fruit
  • Gender? I’m still think girl and have some really sweet names in the works. You can place your vote on the right!
  • Labor signs? Nope
  • Belly button in or out? Yep, there is a little dimple popping out
  • What I miss? Now that my energy is coming back I’m not missing much. I love feeling and looking pregnant.
  • What I am looking forward to? I scheduled our gender reveal ultrasound for March 15th!
  • Weekly wisdom? Allowing your toddler to fall in love with Sprout TV during the first trimester is a really hard habit to break in the second trimester.
  • Milestones? Dominic and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary … 6 months early. We’ll have a newborn on our actual anniversary so we decided to have a night away early!
… Oh so many ways to follow along …
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  1. Kale Meduri says

    Super cute belly, mama! Congrats.

  2. says

    What a great plan to celebrate the anniversary early! Hooray for little flutters.