We’ve bought a sheep leg so far …

I’ve heard from a few of you about buying a sheep together through World Vision’s Christmas Gift Catalog! Thank you! I’m seriously so excited to be doing this together!!!

We’ve got $15 donated so far and from the sound of it a few more donations will be trickling in over the weekend. Have you had a chance to donate yet?
Here’s the simple Paypal button …

I’ve only ever had animals around for companionship. It’s humbly to me to think about all the families who’s animals are part of their survival. Can you imagine?
Sheep provide nutritious milk for the whole family. 
Offer their wool as material for all-weather clothing.
Provide their lambs as extra income when sold at the market.
Our small sacrifice means health, warmth, and stability for someone a world away.
Someone that matters a great deal even though we might never see their face or here their story.
So, gather the change that’s hiding in the couch cushions or skip or latte today and pass on a few dollars to a family who’s life will literally change with the addition of a sheep. Read more about how a sheep makes a huge impact here

AND, as a special treat – anyone who makes a donation will have the opportunity to have their shop or blog button (150×100) added to the sidebar for FREE through the end of December! Nothing like sharing the woolie love and getting some free advertising, right?
Linking up with Friendly Friday over at O My Family!
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