Yes, I realize that 12 months is the same as 1 year, but 12 months puts me at ease. And, well, 1 year makes me want to panic. Do any of you mamas feel this way?
Don’t blame me down the road if I’m all, “This is my daughter, Jemma, and she is 62 months.” It could happen.
After Jemma’s One-derland party she took a super nap and then we had her little 12 month photo shoot. She wasn’t really feelin’ any standing pictures; she stands when she wants and doesn’t when she don’t. She can be kind of bossy like that :) In the sweetest way of course.
My dear Jemma,
This last year has been the most amazing year of my life. You have brought such joy to our family and there is no doubt it will continue. I am blessed beyond words to spend each and every day with you. Exploring the world through your eyes is priceless.
Always remember how much your Daddy and I love you and as your Uncle Anton and Aunt Tasha have shared with their daughter, we now share with you … You are beautiful. You are smart. And Jesus loves you! No truer words have been spoken. Cherish these truths in your heart as you move into your second year.
I love you to bits!
XOXO, Mama
P.S. Following our monthly tradition, here’s all your loves and such:
Size 5 shoes
She is so beautiful. What a joy!
owsley weighs 28 pounds as well. :-/ what happened to our babies…..and when is my back going to ever feel normal again??
Oh my gosh, she is beautiful. I love all the pictures, but especially the third one with the bottom lip out. Priceless! Chopped up grapes…going to try that with Kyla!
She is so adorable and looking so much older! I can't believe it. Happy belated birthday :)