XOXO to my Special Girl

Hey there Lovie!
Happy 11 month birthday to you!!!
You are growing so very healthy … 25 1/2 pounds and 30 1/2 inches at your appointment last month. As your size grows, so does your heart and personality. I can hardly believe we are on the cusp of your 1st birthday and even more, I can hardly believe that I only have 3 work days left until it’s Mama-Jemma Day EVERY DAY!
Hugs and Kisses to my special girl – love you to pieces, forever and ever!
There was a time, not long ago that you fit on this seat for a quick diaper change – now all of your legs hang off!
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  1. Wilcoxcd says

    I am so excited for you that you are going to be a full-time stay at home mommy!

  2. Jennifer Hall says

    Sweet! They grow so fast! And I am excited you get the mommy/Jemma time forever!

  3. Frommrstomama says

    hugs and kisses to your beauty!! 3 days left… ahhhh so exciting!