My sewing machine and I are becoming such besties. No TV show or book can compete right now. I’m all about the thread, fabric, and quiet whoosh of my sweet Singer.
I’m pretty sure she needs a name. My Mac is named Maude, so it would only be fitting if my Singer got a cute name too. Any ideas?
I’m brimming with craft ideas thanks to Pinterest. Browse all my favorites and you’ll see what I mean! So far this week I finished a darling lemon zest blanket (pictures soon) and have an efficient assembly line going for flannel burp clothes.
But, let’s face it – my real craft is making people. Specifically Jemmas … bah, ha, ha, ha. LOVE THIS!
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Maude the Mac is cute! Jemma is the cutest thing you've made, I agree. :o)How about Sally for your Singer? Or Sadie? Or Scarlet??I think it should have an "old" traditional name to go wtih her sewing job. But that's just my opinion!! Love your blog!
How about "Ginger" for your Singer. I have a Brother and could never come up with a good guy name for it, because you can't give a Brother sewing machine a girl's name! Love your DIY pins too! So much stuff to make, so litle time…