Dear Graduates …

Three cheers for my sisters and their educational accomplishments!

Katie just graduated with her Masters in Education with a Middle School Science endorsement. It’s super hard to think that she’s all grown up and on the job market now. It seems just like yesterday that she was my little sister (she now towers over me)!

Teaching is the perfect career for Katie and science fits her so well. When she was young she was obsessed with nature, animals and all things tomboy. Not that science is strictly for tomboys, but she was always experimenting, creating and exploring. The perfect mix for a future science teacher.

With her red hair and silly antics she is a modern day Miss Frizzle. I can’t wait to see her blossom in a career she loves.

Katie – I am so proud of you!

Hannah graduated from high school this year. But, not only did she complete high school, she also earned her Associates at the community college – Yay for dual enrollment and saving money on college!

No, really, Hannie is a super smarty and managed to succeed in her high school and college classes. She has been accepted into a Food Science program and is heading to a dorm room far away in the Fall. Although we’re sad to see her go, we are excited to teach Jemma the wonders of Skype :)

Since she already has her AA she’ll launch right into her major coursework and will most likely be done in 2 years. Craziness! She’s a stud when it comes to chemistry and cooking and I’m hoping she’ll find the perfect job in food development.

Hannah – I am so proud of you!
I couldn’t ask for a better example of talent, success and commitment for my dear Jemma. Her aunties have shown her that the sky is the limit!
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