Welcome to the March Carnival of Natural Parenting: Natural Parenting Top 10 Lists
This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama. This month our participants have shared Top 10 lists on a wide variety of aspects of attachment parenting and natural living. Please read to the end to find a list of links to the other carnival participants.
Focus on the time you DO have together. Nothing is less attachment promoting than a moping mama who sulks about returning to work all evening long. I know from experience :)
- Dine together. Supper is a time to socialize, eat and share about the day’s happenings. Supper shouldn’t always involve the television. Also, supper doesn’t have to be a display of Food Network wonders either. I’m a big fan of freezer meals (prepped on the weekends) and quick dinners like grilled sandwiches, eggs scrambled with meat/veggies and pre-prepped meals from places like Costco and Trader Joe’s.
- Co-sleep. Co-sleeping is a way to connect. If we didn’t co-sleep I think I would feel terribly distant from my baby. At least at night I can snuggle her up, be available for dream nursing and whisper prayers over her as she sleeps.
- Make work, work for you. There is no easy way to be apart from a little one, but as parents we have a lot of control over many details. Can you work part-time or on an odd schedule like four, 10 hour days? Can you telecommute? Can your child visit during your lunch break to nurse?
- Breastfeed. It is not simple for a working mama to find time to pump, manage milk supply and do a ton of pump accessory dishes. But, the benefits are priceless. At night and in the morning (and during lunch if you are lucky) you have the chance to re-connect like no one else can. Emails cease to be important and projects take a pause when your little one latches on and looks up at you sweetly. Breastfeeding is a special connection that hours apart can’t break
- Know your care provider. Know them very well! You are trusting them with your most priceless treasure. Before our nanny joined our parenting team I asked her to read this book. It was important to me that she understood what we wanted to implement as parents.
- Learn how to “be there” when you aren’t. You know those super expensive Hallmark recordable books? Well, I splurged and bought one thinking my daughter might like to hear Mama and Daddy’s voice during the day. Guess what? She loves it! I also whipped up a cute picture book of family photos so she can “see” us throughout the day.
- Reserve weekends for family. It’s too easy to fill up the calendar with silly little things. But, trust me. Keep weekends for family. It’s your time to re-connect and re-energize.
- Find a support system. No one likes to do hard things alone. Being an attachment parent in the traditional workplace isn’t common. In fact, it’s hard. You’re going to be different and THAT’S OK! A support system – whether it be family, friends, La Leche meetings or an online community – is a must.
- Remember, your situation isn’t forever. Children grow up. People change jobs. Life evolves. Being a working parenting is an ever-changing situation. Things that seem impossible now will change in the future. Just take it one day at a time. Love your child the very best you can TODAY. Not tomorrow, leave tomorrow for … tomorrow. Obviously :)
***Visit Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama to find out how you can participate in the next Carnival of Natural Parenting!
Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants:
(This list will be live and updated by afternoon March 8 with all the carnival links.)
- Attachment Parenting in the NICU — Erica at ChildOrganics shares some strategies to help you parent naturally in some unnatural circumstances.
- 10 Reasons to Choose Baby Led Weaning — Luschka from Diary of a First Child shares ten reasons to choose Baby Led Weaning when it comes to solids.
- Choosing to Breastfeed — From selfishness to self-giving, CatholicMommy at Working to be Worthy lists reasons why breast is best for her and her family.
- Ten Things I Wish I Knew About Before Little Man — In this reflective post, The ArstyMama discusses ten things she wishes she knew more about before the birth of her son, Little Man.
- 10 Things That Helped Me Become a Natural Mama — The Accidental Natural Mama counts down ten things that helped her find her moderately crunchy inner mama self.
- Top 10 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Toddler — Extended breast-feeder Kate Wicker of Momopoly makes her own top 10 list for why she loves nursing her 2-year-old.
- Top 10 Tips on Authentic Grandparenting — Mamapoekie of Authentic Parenting offers a list of tips to make the grandparent-parent-child relationship flow smoothly.
- Top Ten “Dad” Things — Liam at In The Now talks about his favourite ways to spend time with his children.
- Top 10 Natural Strategies for Conception (aka How to Get Pregnant!) — Despite facing plenty of health issues, Jessica Claire at Crunchy-Chewy Mama found her way to two first-try pregnancies thanks to these natural strategies.
- Top Ten Reasons Why Home Birth Rocks — Lucy at Dreaming Aloud shares her passion for birthing at home – the natural place for natural birth.
- Top 10 reasons why cloth nappies are fun — Tat at Cloth Nappies Are Fun shows how using cloth nappies can brighten up your day.
- Top Ten Ways to Be Present With Family — Amy at Innate Wholeness shares how to make the most of parenting and family life through being present.
- Top 10 Things In My Arsenal of Kitchen Witchy Mama Tricks. — Joni Rae at Tales of A Kitchen Witch shares with us the simple things she would never want to be missing from her cupboards.
- Top 10 ways I’m not very good at natural parenting (and why I keep trying anyway) — Jenny at Babyfingers shares the ways she is imperfect as a natural parent, and why she embraces natural parenting anyway.
- Top 10 Ways to Know You Are a Natural Parent — So what makes us “natural parents,” anyway? A lighthearted look at the Top 10 Ways to Know You Are a Natural Parent by the editors and readers of Natural Parents Network.
- The Top 10 Things Every Natural Household (with children) Should Have — Amanda at Let’s Take the Metro shares a list of the most common natural products and remedies she uses for health and cleaning.
- Top 10 books for raising loving, spiritual children — In her ‘food for the soul’ post, Mrs Green from Little Green Blog shares her favourite spiritual books. No matter what religion you practise, there’s something for everyone!
- Top 10 Things No One Told Me About Natural Parenting — Adrienne at Mommying My Way explains that the best things about natural parenting are things she never expected.
- Top 10 Flower Essences for Families — Kim of Nature Baby Bloggings lists her pick of the top ten flower essence which can help ease families through the ups and downs of life.
- My Top Ten Parenting Tools — Amyables at Toddler In Tow names the top ten tools that have been helpful to her while learning to parent respectfully and successfully.
- Ten Ways Families Can Enjoy Nature (for free!) — Spring is nearly in the air, and Jenn at Monkey Butt Junction is dreaming of the fun and frugal ways that her family is going to get out and enjoy nature this summer.
- 10 Reasons We Unschool — Patti at Jazzy Mama explains why unschooling is the right choice for her family.
- Must Read: Natural Parenting Top Ten — Amy at Anktangle wants you to do a little reading! She shares her top ten favorite books to help parents prepare for pregnancy, birth, and parenting.
- Top 10 Breastfeeding Misconceptions — Sheila at A Gift Universe examines ten reasons women give for why they didn’t breastfeed as long as they wanted, and shows how these obstacles can be overcome.
- Ten Reasons to Plan a Home Birth — Since a home birth can be an incredibly empowering experience, Leslie at Lights and Letters outlines ten reasons why you should plan to have your baby at home.
- Top Ten Books for Birth, Breastfeeding and Parenting — Megan at Just Me(gan) writes about the ten books that have helped her the most in her natural parenting journey.
- A Top Ten Letter To Me… — Kat at Loving {Almost} Every Moment writes herself a letter of reflections and bits of wisdom she would have liked to know as a new mama.
- Top Ten Mama Necessities Money Can’t Buy — Buying baby gear is fun, but Emily at Crunchy(ish) Mama knows real parenting must-haves can’t be bought in stores (or even on Amazon).
- Top 10 Books for a Natural Mum — Isil at Smiling like Sunshine talks about her Top 10 Books for a Natural Mum.
- Ten Great Spring Activities To Do With Preschoolers — Kellie at Our Mindful Life and her family have come up with a great list of activities to do together this spring.
- 10 Ways to Reuse Yogurt Containers — Acacia at Fingerpaint & Superheroes keeps the stacks of yogurt containers out of her recycling bin by reusing them in both practical and creative ways.
- Top Ten Ways To Have a Harmonious Home — Jennifer at Hybrid Rasta Mama shares her natural parenting-inspired methods for maintaining a harmonious daily life with her toddler.
- 10 Natural Baby Items I Love — Charise at I Thought I Knew Mama shares product ideas to support your natural parenting.
- The Pandas’ Top Five Crunch-osophies — Top five crunchy philosophies, as employed at the Panda Residence by Ana at Pandamoly.
- Top 10 Reasons to Leave Your Son Intact — Mandy at Living Peacefully with Children has shared 10 reasons why you should leave your newborn son intact.
- Ten things everyone should know about unassisted homebirth — Olivia at Write About Birth shares practical tips for women considering an unassisted homebirth and debunks some common myths
- 10 Most Popular Ways To Treat Cloth Diaper Stains — Chante at My Natural Motherhood Journey gives ten easy tips to make your diapers like new.
- 10 Lessons in 1 Year — Abbie at Farmer’s Daughter shares 10 parenting lessons that she has learned throughout her first year of motherhood.
- Top 10 Ways to Get Breastfeeding Off To a Good Start — Sheryl at Little Snowflakes shares 10 effective ways to ensure breastfeeding gets off to a good start.
- Top 10 Ways to Avoid a Time-Out — If you are uncomfortable using time-outs in an attempt to control your child’s behavior, try one of these gentler alternatives. Dionna at Code Name: Mama shares her Top 10 Ways to Avoid a Time-Out.
- My Top 10 Parenting Scriptures — Dulce de leche is learning to integrate faith and parenting. Whether it is breastfeeding, babywearing, comforting her children, or gentle discipline, she finds that the Bible has beautiful passages to encourage her on her journey.
- Natural Cleaning Ideas – Top 10 — Laura at Laura’s Blog lists the ways she keeps her house clean and clear of chemicals.
- My Top Ten (plus two) Life Altering and Growth Inspiring Books — A top ten list of books from MJ at Wander Wonder Discover that changed her life as an individual, a parent, and an earth dweller.
- Top 10 Ways to Use Natural Parenting for Children with Special Needs — Danielle at Mommy Makes Cents feeds the needs of her family and special needs child through the use of Natural Parenting.
- Ten Fundamentals — Seonaid at The Practical Dilettante gets philosophical with a list of the fundamentals that drive her natural parenting.
- 10 reasons why I chose breast over bottles — Becky at Old New Legacy writes a quick list of why she chose breast over bottles.
- Top Ten Natural Tools for the Work of Play — Lori at Beneath the Rowan Tree offers insight into 10 natural toys that will span the early years (and save you money).
- 10 differences between pregnancy and parenting in Japan and the US — Megan at Ichigo Means Strawberry gives her impressions about differences in pregnancy and parenting in Japan and the US.
- Natural Parenting Benny & Bex Style — Pecky at Benny and Bex explains why Natural Parenting principles work best for her boys.
- Top 10 Reasons to Co-Sleep — 10 practical, emotional, and completely selfish reasons to co-sleep and share a family bed from Lily, aka Witch Mom.
- My Top Ten New Mommy Moments — Melissa at The New Mommy Files recounts the ten most memorable moments of her daughter’s first year.
- Top Ten Things Every Breastfeeding Mother Needs to Know — Kristen at Adventures in Mommyhood believes knowledge is power and wants all moms to be well informed.
- Top 10 Nursing Positions / Situations — Momma Jorje uses her 5½ years of nursing experience to share her Top 10 Nursing Positions/Situations. She includes some adorable photos of her youngest daughter at the breast.
- Ten Top Ways to Connect Kids with Nature — Terri from Child at the Nature Isle offers 10 ways to immerse ourselves in the natural world and develop a love affair with the Earth.
- Top 10 Slacker Ways to Natural Parent — Guavalicious is happy to show you how to parent naturally the slacker way.
- Simply what it looks like — Andrea!!! from Ella-Bean & Co. offers a glimpse into natural parenting through the eyes of mama and babe.
- Top Ten Reasons Why Natural Parenting Dads Are So Attractive — Nada at miniMOMist sure digs her husband, but it’s not just his good looks — it’s his parenting!
- 10 Family Systems and Routines That Work for Us — See what routines, organizational systems, and parenting approaches work for Kristin at Intrepid Murmurings to help avoid conflict and maintain sanity in a family with three young children.
- Top 10 reasons to choose midwifery care — Lauren at Hobo Mama lists the features that drew her to midwives’ care for pregnancy and birth.
- 10 Ways to Cloth Diaper on a Budget — Michelle at The Parent Vortex shares her best thrifty cloth diapering tips.
- Ten Reasons it Felt Sew Good To Make My Own Play Food — Brittany at Mama’s Felt Cafe lists her 10 (OK, 11) favorite reasons to grab a needle and start sewing your own felt play toys.
- Top10 Ways to Spark Interest, Learn, and Have Fun With Everyday Tasks! — Bethy at Bounce Me to the Moon gives you her top 10 ways of incorporating fun and lessons into everyday tasks and chores.
- Postpartum Gift Ideas — Alicia at I Found My Feet suggests a top 10 list of gifts for mother’s after giving birth.
- My Top Ten Shows Worthy Of Screen Time — Tree at Mom Grooves shares her top ten list of shows that she believes are positive, educational, kind, joyful, and a nice way to share some downtime with your children.
- The Top 10 Ways to Succeed as an Working Attachment Parent — That Mama Gretchen shares tried and true ways to succeed with attachment parenting even when working away from home during the day.
- Top Ten Books for Natural Parenting — Pregnancy, herbs, cooking, and healthcare the ten books Asha at Meta Mom the most.
- Preparing for a Hospital VBAC: My Top 10 — Thomasin at Propson Palingenesis shares 10 ways she’s preparing for her upcoming hospital VBAC.
- Top Ten New Mom Survival Tools — Wolfmother shares her most beloved motherhood survival tools at Fabulous Mama Chronicles.
- Top 10 Montessori Principles for Natural Learning — Deb Chitwood at Living Montessori Now gives her top 10 list of Montessori principles parents can use to encourage their children s natural learning.
- Going Granola — Tashmica from The Mother Flippin’ Blog describes the 10 ways that natural parenting sneaked up on her. She never expected to go all granola on the world.
- Step Away From the Amazon List — Stefanie at Very, Very Fine wishes she hadn’t bought so much useless stuff.
Something odd happened with my post/comments … so I'm reposting
This is a great list, whether you work out of the home or not. Thanks for a handy link to pass on to mom friends who might need help easing that transition. From Brittany@Mama's Felt Cafe
I really like your first point, to focus on the time we do have together. It's not an easy switch to flick, going from worrying about project deadlines and office politics to chasing after the toddler or listening to the fifth Pokemon story in the last ten minutes, but it's important for all of me to be with my kids. Great post! From Liam J.
I'm a working attachment parent too, and I totally agree with your suggestions. We really strive to make our together time quality time. And certain special times are reserved for mama, like bathtime (unless there's a big mess that requires immediate attention). It is hard at times, but I think attachment parenting is all that much more important to a working parent. From Jenn Collins @ Monkey Butt Junction
Beautiful. I have often thought that my whole family would fall apart if I went back to work, and you have successfully dispelled that idea! Thanks for the reassurance that Attachment Parenting is not dependent on being with my children 24 hours/day. From Patti
This is a such a wonderful positive list, great for all families too. From MJ
These are all great ideas for working moms who want to keep their connection to their child strong! I applaud you for making it work as you work! From Megan
oooh… this is bookmarked so I can read the rest. Love your tips! When I was working – these would all have come in handy.One tip that I didn't see for a working mama – is take care of mama. You need time for you. Just a shower, bath, getting your hair cut. All moms have to prioritize, and working moms even more so. When we have to make time for everyone we usually cut out ourselves. So just once a week – take time for you.
I love that you had your nanny read about your parenting philosophy, and what a commitment on her part!
Great tips! I am an AP working mom (currently on mat leave). I definitely found both co-sleeping and breastfeeding great ways to reconnect with my little one. Also, if you can afford it, outsource things you don't want to do. For me, that was cleaning. Having a weekly cleaning service gives me lots of extra time to spend with my boys!
So many great lists on here! :) I'm not a working mama, but I am an AP mama. I love that so many mothers can still do it though they work.
Nice list! A lot of these are ones any parent can use to connect with their child, working or not.
This is such a great list! So positive and practical. I want to pass it on to any working mamas I know. I work from home, but some of these still apply to the times my son goes to his preschool twice a week.
What a great list! I am thankful to be a stay-at-home mama, but I, too, can get caught up in the busy-ness of it all, and these tips for staying connected are helpful for people like me, too :)I am completely humbled by mamas like yourself who manage to balance work and family life with grace, and stay connected (and attached) in the process. Thanks for this!
Love your ideas. I would also encourage working moms to see how much their baby can come to work with them. I was surprised and very grateful to find that my little one is welcome at staff meetings, for example.
With my older daughter, I worked at home. It was hard, but I am SO glad I was able to do that.Now with my youngest, I was already working 40 hour weeks outside the home. Here's my take:1) SO important. Sometimes I literally cried on my way to work.2) My shift was actually 11am – 8pm. So while a meal can be important, it doesn't have to be dinner. The tough thing for us was that my husband worked such vastly different hours (4am – 8am), it was hard to connect for a meal. We managed breakfast.3) I am a HUGE fan of co-sleeping. I can totally see where it is an opportunity for connected that you just do not want to miss.4) Ultimately, my job was too stressful and I flat wanted more time with my family. So I recently cut WAY back on bills (smaller home, less luxuries) and quit my FT job. Now I work PT for way less money, but have TIME.5) Thankfully pumping wasn't too big an issue at my workplace. Keeping everything clean was, of course, a hassle, but worth it! Then my DD went on a bottle strike. I'm also thankful I kept home close to work so I was able to drive home to nurse on my lunch breaks.6) Know 'im? I love him! lol My husband was the FT care provider.7) What GREAT ideas! I wish I'd thought of these when I was having the hardest time with it. Thanks for sharing!8) Free time can be eaten up SO quick if you let it! So yeah, you just have to stick to your guns and turn down other stuff. We need time together!9) Support is definitely important. I'm glad I have my online support network because I don't know many AP people locally.10) Life most definitely evolves. I helped our lives evolve into something that fit us better than our previous situation. I didn't think it was possible, but it was.Hope I didn't go too far off on my tangent there. Great post! I felt like I was the only AP momma in the world working FT. It seems like such an impossible combo and it is HARD. But it can be done.
Brilliant! Even after infancy, many of these are still so wonderful to adapt for a school age child (when you are both busy in your other worlds). What a great idea to do a photo book, too!Lori <a href="http://www.beneaththerowantree.comwww.beneaththerowantree.com<br />Want to Join the Playdate?
I really enjoyed reading this. I work part-time and found that a lot of this still resonated with me. Co-sleeping has been really key for me, too.
I love the list Gretchen. Great articles that you linked to! ~Emily
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