Weekends with Daddy

On the weekends I snuggle with my Daddy alot. This way Mama can get housework done. We watch lots of football right now, but soon Daddy says there will be more basketball. Go Kansas Jayhawks! 
At one point today I needed my diaper changed and since a spot got onto my outfit, Daddy changed me into new clothes. Look what happened with my new outfit …
Yep, that’s right … my onesie is on backwards, somehow my Daddy didn’t know snaps go in the back and the pink bow goes in the front. I don’t have any pants on either. Daddy says he just doesn’t understand girl’s clothes yet.  Mama said, “Oh well, better luck next time.” So, we took a picture and continued on with our lazy Sunday.
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  1. says

    our Eva is almost 10 months and daddy still isn't good dresser… he frequently puts shirts and pants on backwards!Lazy weekends are still the best.

  2. says

    I am already following you from Mom Blog Monday and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog:)Oh and don't forget to stop by today because we continue with our Show Yo' Flow Campaign, and you don't want to miss the interview we have on Stefanie and the amazing surprises she has for our readers:) See you there! Happy Monday!

  3. says

    hi! i'm following from monday blog hops. i'd love it if you could follow my blog back, too!this is too adorable. i have a hubby much like yours struggling with the day to day girliness at hand! it gets better :)best,april http://www.marineparents.blogspot.com

  4. says

    Very funny! We've had a few of those moments, where I just have to laugh at how Anton interprets an outfit. For instance, summer sunsuit with ruffly bottom with shorts on top or there's the socks that don't match. I'm sure he will enlighten Dom on his lessons learned in dressing a little girl.