Blogging has slipped way down on my priority list. Actually, it has practically fallen off the list. Something about having a little princess snoozing on your chest makes everything else in life less important. That’s right, it is a miracle if the dishes get loaded or laundry folded or a blog written. Life is just different now. Different in an amazingly fantastic way. I’ll still in awe when I look at my little girl and think “Oh my word, God has entrusted me to love and care for such a perfect little girl.”
Truly, we have been doing quite a bit. After morning snuggles we flit around the house working on little projects. Yesterday we did some reorganizing in the garage and went to the grocery store. Jem had a sweet little meltdown as I searched for grenadine. But as always, once I unbuckled her from her carseat and held her up to my shoulder she called right now. Hard part is pushing a cart while snuggling an infant. Practically impossible actually. So there I was, reaching for the grenadine (so Dominic could make me his famous Pink Panther drink), holding Jem, wiping her sniffles and trying to maneuver a cart with a 10% turning radius. That’s motherhood for ya!
End of last week I came down with an awful cold. It started as an allergy attack and morphed into an ugly case of laryngitis. Yuck! I had no voice for 2-3 days, but have finally made my recovery. Colds can’t stop this mama for long! On Friday we met up with Mallory and her little family who had ventured over from Boise for a wedding … pictures soon! Miss Jemma met her bestie Miss Olivia for the first time. Jem snoozed the whole time and Olivia got some good snuggling time with her Auntie Gretchen. She is SO precious and I desperately wished that we lived closer to each other.
On Saturday my parents arrived in town. My Mom and I went nursing bra shopping (oh joy) while my Dad and Dominic helped set up for First Class Homeschool Ministries annual fundraiser. Dominic and I volunteer for FCHM and I help coordinate the event, but between my cold and caring for Jemma, Dominic stepped in as set-up guy extraordinaire! We all dressed up, fought off torrential rain and had a lovely time at the fundraiser. By dress up, I mean I put on a real bra, dress and heels; full make-up and fancy hair. It felt good to pull myself together. I still got it :) Jemma wore the sweetest little Gap jumper (size 3 months), black American Apparel onesie (size 3-6 months) and black leggings (size 3 months) … yes, Jemma is wearing all 3 month clothes even though she is only 3 weeks! Dominic’s parents joined us and we passed Miss Jemma around the table all evening. Between 2 parents and 4 grandparents Jemma got some massive love that evening!
Sunday morning we woke up, packed and we rode with my parents back to their hometown (2 hours away). We had plan to visit some friends and check out the Just Between Friends consignment sale. It happens twice a year and is SUPER WONDERFUL! I found some adorable clothes for Jemma to grow into in the coming months. Sidenote – we had lunch at Costco because I LOVE the carne asada bake there, have you tried it? Dominic stayed at home since he had work on Monday :( so Sunday night was my first night solo with Jemma. Seeing that she loves to have a happy mama, she had a pretty good night even though we were in a new environment – bedtime around 11pm, up at 3am and 6am to nurse and get a diaper change and then up for the day around 9am. It’s a manageable schedule and she literally eats, poos and falls back asleep in a heartbeat. No walking around trying to calm her or anything so I feel pretty blessed.
Monday afternoon we visited my Mom’s kindergarten classroom. Her kids were too cute. They ran to wash there hands so they could pat her head and hold her little hands. Some of the boys were the absolute sweetest saying to me, “You have the cutest baby!” My Mom teaches at the elementary school I attended so we were able to visit many of the teaches I had years ago as well. Jemma has so many aunties and grandmas who love her; it is such a wonderful feeling to know that we have so much support in raising her.
The big highlight of our trip was getting home. Jemma and I took the train! We sat next to a cute hippie grandma who thought Jemma was, well, a gem. She cooed and talked with her and thought she looked so big and healthy for only being 3 weeks. Then Jemma had a crying freak out the last 30 minutes and our train grandma thought she was still adorable. At least that’s how she acted. I am sure she was thrilled when we got off and she could return to her book. As for everyone else in our car, I am sure they loathed us.
We had our 3 week appointment a Andaluz yesterday, but I’ll save that for another post … exciting stuff about vitamin D, pumping and Jemma’s new stats.
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Sounds like you've settled right into mamahood. :)And don't worry, I won't hold your lack of blogging against you. They're only this little once- enjoy it!!
I have a pretty accurate vision of the shopping trip….just a hint from your experienced Mom….pull the shopping cart, don't try to push it:)