Sleeping Safe

Sarah Buckley (who is quickly becoming one of my favorite resources) wrote an article called Ten Tips for Safe Sleeping. Definitely worth reviewing before you tuck baby in for the night!

  1. Put your baby on their back to sleep
  2. Keep you baby’s head uncovered during sleep
  3. Avoid entrapment hazards
  4. Avoid strangulation hazards
  5. Dress your baby appropriately for the room temperature
  6. Keep your bagy smoke and drug free
  7. Do not put your baby to sleep alone in an adult bed
  8. Ensure that older babies in cots cannot climb or fall out
  9. Do not put your baby to sleep on a sofa or chair
  10. Breastfeed your baby

Details on each tip are available in the full article.

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  1. says

    I love Dr. Sarah Buckley. She's a huge supporter of homebirth and breastfeeding. All of my babies slept much better on their sides just starting out and then on their bellies and we never had a problem. Not having all the vaccines lessened the chances of SIDS a great deal.