The other day Dominic asked me when we were going to start packing our birth bag. I responded with, “Um, well, I’m 34 weeks so maybe sometime in September.”
He didn’t think that was a good idea. Does he have a fatherly sixth sense that we should be ready earlier? Who knows … but the packing list has risen on our to do list and were starting to gather all the necessities.
Our birth center recommends the following:
- Baby nail clippers
- Baby brush (I don’t get what this is for … do they really need their hair brushed?)
- Diapers and wipes
- Baby outfits – socks, shirts, pajamas
- Mama outfits
- Daddy outfits
- Toiletries
- Extra socks
- Labor clothes
- Bathrobe (I have an awesome leopard print robe … yep, that’s what I’m taking)
- Favorite blanket
- Car seat
- Clean undies (I’m taking some old crappy ones, no use ruining favorites)
- Going home clothes (I’m going to take an “it”, boy and girl option)
- Favorite snacks (Any good ideas?)
I have a few things to add to the packing list:
- Maude (my laptop, yes she has a fantastic name and is never referred to as “the computer”, only “Maude”)
- Phone and computer charger
- Camera and charger
- Preggo mama massage oil
- Hair ties and headbands (I hate having my hair in my face)
- Fan (I can’t sleep or relax with a fan on, so this is a must)
- Warm Vanilla Sugar candle from Bath and Body Works
- Bradley Handbook
- My awesome new pillow with arms
- Birth music CD
- Birth plan
- Water bottle with straws
- Glasses/contacts
- Ultrasound picture of baby … might be a good focal point
- Midwife gifts (any good ideas?)
- Notecards (as a part of The Day You Were Born I want each of our family members to write a note to our little one after they meet for the first time)
- Breast pump (I’ve heard this can be key if you revert to nipple stimulation to help continue a stalled labor)
- Baby book for foot and hand prints
- Bassinet
- Lollipops and gum
This is turning into a long list, but better safe than sorry, right?
Anything I am forgetting?
(Visited 39 times, 1 visits today)
this isn't one of the fun ones, but bring some pads. they'll give you some mesh undies that you'll hate, but they're super useful and usually the medical pads to put in those undies are insane. like the size of your arm. so pack some of your own for the trip home. also both times i packed some mascara. i don't even wear very much makeup, but man there are a lot of pictures taken.
So I guess I do need to rent that 27' U-Haul, huh?
Slippers or comfy sandals for walking before baby.
This is a great list…I starred it in my reader to remind me of what you had here. My only advice is PACK EARLY! With my first, she came 2.5 weeks early. The night before I went into labor, our birthing class instructor talked about packing bags but later, in a conversation my hubby and I had with her, she assured us that 1st babies are almost always late (I should have paid attention to the "almost," not the "always"!) So, that night I went home and, instead of packing my bag, I watched Grey's Anatomy.The next morning, during my scheduled doctor's appointment, my water broke and I was sent directly to the hospital and my husband had to pack my bag. I love him dearly, but I don't ever want him packing my bag again!
Oh, one more thing…check with the birth center you are using. Most hospitals and birth centers have water bottles for you to use. If this is the case where you are going, that would be one less thing to pack.
Someone suggested swimsuit for daddy to me in case you need help in shower or birth tub ;O)
Melinda – I feel the same way about Dominic. Love him dearly, but he would probably manage to pack my 2nd favorite hair tie and too nice of undies. Better safe than sorry when it comes to packing!
Dom – No 27 foot U-haul. I am sure your muscles will be able to carry it all in a few bags :)
You do have quite a list. I delivered both times in the hospital, but I didn't pack wipes or diapers (they provided them, so saved us money). You'll probably want to use disposables at first, especially at the birthing center. And this isn't a big one but I never used nail clippers on my newborns, I found that an emory board worked much better & you won't accidently snip your baby's delicate finger.And why would you need a bassinet, do they not provide them?As far as midwife gift, I took a picture of my OB & baby and I made a 5×7 "scrapbook" page with all my baby stats & framed it as a thank you & gave it to him at my 6 week follow-up. He had many displayed all over his office & exam rooms.
You made me think of a few things to add to my bag! Ha :) Thanks mama!
If your baby is born with the crazy mop of hair that Eli showed up with, then you need a brush from day one :) The kid looked like Einstein.
Sounds like a great list – I was also wondering about the bassinet – it seems like the birth center would have one. I also agree about the nail clippers, their nails are very thin and "clippers" aren't really necessary to begin with. The only thing I'd add is not to bring any favorite clothes for yourself… I see a lot of girls bringing a new or favorite sweatsuit/pjs/robe etc and end up with blood on it or milk sprayed all over it, which is kind of a bummer. =)
I'm going to need to check on the bassinet … I'm pretty sure they encourage co-sleeping, but I'm not 100% on what sleeping arrangements will look like. I was thinking the bassinet that clips into our UppaBaby stroller might be the most convenient thing to bring along.
You really won't need to bring water or snacks for yourself. Eating while having contractions, even drinking water, will make you sick. Sofia
I love the notecard idea! I am going to have to steal that one!
Some suggestions – pack 2 bags – one for during labor and then one for after labor. That way you aren't hauling so many things. During labor no one really showers, so just pack things that wil help you in labor. During labor my must haves were music, rice sock, tennis ball sock (tennis balls in a a sock for counter pressure) and chapstick.Also, a tip for the foot and hand prints – use white card stock or plain index cards. Babies wiggle and squirm and it could take a few tries to get a good print. At the recommendation of our birthing class teacher we used card stock and then cut out the prints that were good and mounted them in our baby book.