32 Week Update

Here it is … half way through another week and I’m just getting around to this handy pregnancy survey. Where does the time go?

How far along? 32 weeks, 3 days
Baby’s Size: 3.75 pounds and 16.7 inches long is average for this week … think large jicama, yep, my baby is a jicama :)
Total Weight Gain: Sneaking up on 20 pounds (155 to almost 175)
Maternity Clothes: Liz Lange via Target is my hero
Gender: Baby clothes make me wish for a girl, plus we have girl names we agree on … still overjoyed with either though. I used to laugh at people who wanted “happy and healthy”, but that is so true … happy and healthy boy or girl is PERFECTION!
Movement: My insides are a punching bag, little one can kick so hard it makes a boob bounce … awesome visual, I know
Sleep: I’ve had some wacky nights between the heat, large belly and bathroom breaks, if I could squeeze in an afternoon nap I would be in heaven!
Symptoms: Tired, overwhelmed with to-do lists
Best Moments this week: Relaxing during my appointment on Monday. I got to stretch out on the comfy bed, listen to my little one’s heartbeat and imagine their arrival in just a few short weeks!
Food Cravings: I have been IN LOVE with Jamba Juice’s protein berry smoothies!
Food Aversions: None
What I miss: I’ll be honest, some of my undies are pinching (AKA they are too small) … this is sad and uncomfortable. So, I guess I miss snazzy undies :)
What I am Looking forward to: VACATION DAYS … I have next Monday and Tuesdays off.
Milestones: Only 2 months left … CRAZY!
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  1. says

    I still have a couple of Liz Lange from Target shirts that I wear even now! They're maternity, but you can't really tell. They just stretch a lot. They're SO comfortable!!