If this doesn’t affirm my excitement for a waterbirth I don’t know what will!
Hip Chick Pregnancy Guide wrote …
The following are some interesting statistics about waterbirthing.
- The women had shorter labors
- Cervical dilation was more efficient – 2.5 cm/hour compared with 1.25cm/hour for mothers who did not take advantage of water during their labors
- The descent of the babies was twice as fast
- The women reported less pain
- The cesarean section rate was 1/3 that of traditional hospital births
- Mother labeled “high-risk” because of high blood pressure showed a dramatic reduction in their pressure within minues of immersion in the pool
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For the whole scoop on waterbirth visit my website: http://www.waterbirth.org the first and ONLYorganization completely dedicated to making sure that waterbirth is an available option for all women.I give public workshops on the wonders of waterbirth all over the country. Next one is this Thursday in Charlotte, NC at the Hilton University Place. If you need help convincing your doctor or your hospital to give you this wonderful option for a drug-free birth, just call or email.info@waterbirth.orgWe're here to help.Beautiful blessings for joy filled births!Barbara Harperauthor of Gentle Birth ChoicesFounder of Waterbirth International
Oh girl, amen sista! ;)
Waterbirth was not for me. I couldn't get passed the afterbirth & blood. But more power to you! But since you've been researching have you come across the Tummy Tub (www.tummytubusa.com)? They have a cool video on their site to show how it works. I think that it's an awesome idea & wish that I had heard of it before my kids had been born. I'd be interested to know what you think.
Barbara – I'm excited to peruse your website! I'll be birthing at Andaluz Waterbirth Center and they are very supportive! Also, I think you know the Strole family, is that correct? Christine took my wedding photos and will be taking maternity/baby ones too :)Chelsea – The Tummy Tub looks awesome … I'll have to get Dominic on board with an expensive tub. We'll see!
Go girl! I wanted to do a waterbirth but my DD came a month early. I did labor in the tub A LOT though and boy did it HELP!!!!!!!!!!!I'm about to be your newest follower!!Amy @ http://www.thecheapandchoosy.com
LOVE waterbirth!! One thing I wish I would have been aware of – it's very possible to overheat in the water, so make sure you don't spend too much time in there. Because my son was stuck, I was exerting myself like whoa, on top of being in the hot water, and I caused us both to have a fever and stuff, so the midwife made me get out of the tub and finish birthing him on the table. BOOOO to that. The pain was definitely way worse out of the water! Next birth I will wait a bit longer to get in (since i birth so quickly I can't get out & in more than once)!