We splurged after church yesterday and went out to lunch at Red Robin. Nothing like a chicken burger, french fries and a freckled lemonade to make this pregnant gal smile from ear to ear. Plus, nothing quenches the thirst monster like lemonade. Essence of summer, for sure.
I saw this out to Red Robin as the perfect moment to attack.
My mission: Make sure Dom and I are on the same page with the baby to do list. Because what expectant mother doesn’t have an insane to do list? I am sure it is one of the main causes of pregnancy insomnia. TO DO LIST NIGHTMARES STRIKE AGAIN!
I started with an open-ended question … Darling, what do you think needs to be done before the baby comes?
And of course, in amazing dad-to-be style he rattled off a number of things on his list …
- Purchase mattress and set-up guest bed
- Finalize our baby budget
- Buy a family car (which means selling my 2 classic Mercedes … long story, but I promise it isn’t exciting as it sounds)
- Help with house projects
- Organize garage
He topped off his list by asked if he should look into baby gates for the stairs. Now that is a man who is thinking ahead. Double brownie points for That Dad Dominic! We set September 12th as our due date for our many projects … that is 4 weeks before our due date. That way, we can have some time to relax while being prepared in case our little one makes an early debut.
All I can say is “Halle-freakin’-lujah”, we are on the same page!
Then, (as if that isn’t good enough), Dominic tells me this morning that he had a dream about our birth. His first one ever. No, he did not receive a gender reveal in his dream. It was better. He dreamed I had a super fast birth and everything went wonderfully smooth. In his dream we were driving home from the birth center with our little bundle sleeping soundly in the back seat and he was thinking “I can’t believe I’m the father of that little baby”. Yep, fatherhood hormones are kicking in and I can’t express how happy I am that we are in this journey towards parenthood together.
Mama and Dad love you like crazy, little wiggle worm :) Yes we do.
that so sweet – have fun geting ready!
Thanks for the congrats! We are thrilled! I've got to ask, how on earth have you decorated for a surprise baby? I'm ready to pull my hair out just after looking at little girl bedding all day!
It hasn't been easy decorating for a mystery … but, it has also been pretty fun :)If you click the "nursery" label you can see the mushroom print bedding I decided on. We're doing lots of green, lime, turquoises, etc. and incorporating sweet forest animals.