When Baby Eats

I pretty much have the menu for baby’s first 6-9 months figured out (breastmilk), but after that I feel like I am tossed into a whirlwind of choices.

What to foods to start with and when …
When to introduce new things …
The organic dilemma …
Avoiding choking hazards … {fear ensues}

All while trying to fix “normal” food for the rest of the family! I’m pretty sure Dominic isn’t going to be happy with pureed foods for weeks on end :) See babe, I’m watching out for you!

I’m a sucker for convenience like everyone else. I’d love to pick up an assortment of colorful baby foods and snacks, but I’m debating if it is really the best thing to fill my baby’s precious little body with. I’d much rather know what all the ingredients are and nix the preservatives from that list … {enter project homemade baby food}.

Good thing there is a plethora of resources online for this sort of endeavor!




Photo from Martha Stewart

Yes, this will take time, but I think I’m up for the challenge. Especially since I have an amazing Vitamix (thank God for garage sales) to puree my own baby foods. I think this book is also going to come in handy.
In their Fall 2009/Winter 2010 issue, Fit Pregnancy wrote, Your baby’s first bites should be as natural and healthful as possible. The article went on to explain the growing research of many pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, synthetic growth hormones, preservatives and additives being found in foods, including foods marketed specifically towards our littles ones. These toxins are being linked to the impairment of children’s health and development. Even low levels of contaminants can accumulate quickly in a small child’s body. That’s because children ages 1 through 5 eat three to four (or more) times as much food per pound of body weight as an average American adult. In addition, a child’s developing central nervous system, immune and hormonal systems are more vulnerable and less able to detoxify contaminants.

Money is always an issue with a complete switch to organic, I know we aren’t ready to make that commitment. But, in the meantime, I am committed to staying away from the dirty dozen – apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, raspberries, strawberries and spinach.

Last but not least, are the choking hazards. This abolutely terrifies me, so our little dumpling will probably eat tiny food for a very long me :) My pediatrician, Dr. Worley, was a real stickler on choking hazards. Every appointment he would quiz my mom on what she was and was not giving me and make sure she knew the reason. I really hope I can find an involved pediatrican who helps teach me in the ways of safe parenting practices. Dr. Worley also encouraged parents to avoid artificial sugars since they are an acquired taste. He assured my mom that fruits could be considered “dessert” which left no room for cakes and candies. Except for birthdays … a treat was allowed then. He also gave a firm “no” to nuts before age 6 to reduce allergy emergencies. In regard to choking, Fit Parenting added clumps of peanut butter, hard candy, hot dogs, jelly beans, gum drops, marshmallows, raisins, chips, pretzels, cherry/grape tomatoes, grapes and berries to the list of choking hazard foods for babies and toddlers.

I’m excited to embark upon project homemade baby food, but until then, I’m happy I have a year or so to get into the swing of things. That and figure out the whole breastfeeding plan …
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  1. says

    …oh gosh – you all 3 made it just beautifully and I remember many of those items being devouredin your household at an early age! And certainly the Lee Wilson's of the church that had candy in their pockets! Watching Darah feed Guthrie that first year was interesting and I understood and learned a lot. One of Gus' very first – most favorite foods were avocados! You get a few strange looks from that one!

  2. Chelsea Dickens says

    I made all of my daughters baby food & am doing it again with my 2nd – he's 8 months. It's super easy & quite fun, It sounds intimidating but I honesty don't understand why everyone doesn't take this on. We cook for our babies after they turn 1 – what's the difference?

  3. says

    I agree with Chelsea. I fed my first born store bought (expensive) and for the 2nd I got a $40 magic bullet and pureed away. I bought solely organic and it was cheaper than buying the jars, and healthier. I believe she is such a good eater because of this. It really is easy and every food I made would give me enough for about a month. I would have Carrots, Peas, Green Beans, Sweet Potato, Squash and Avocado stored at all times. And, I'd only be preparing one food type a week. You can totally do it and it's worth it! I would highly recommend the Baeba freezer tray sold by Williams Sonoma. It is pricey ($20) but it freezes 1 oz portions (instead of tiny ice cube trays) which makes serving a breeze. I only bought one and it worked out just fine. http://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/beaba-multiportion-baby-food-freezer-tray/?pkey=x%7C4%7C1%7C%7C4%7Cbaby%20food%7C%7C0&cm_src=SCH

  4. says

    Just another thing to consider. I bought this book: http://www.amazon.com/Cooking-Baby-Wholesome-Home… and I loved it. I liked it that she progressed age-by-age. I used it until about 12 months. I also bought Fresh Baby So Easy Baby Food Freezer Trays with Lids (about $10 @ Amazon) and was really happy with them.