Baby’s Uncle Anton has been on the safety watch.
This morning he forwarded a crib recall announcement to Dominic so we could make sure our crib was safe. Before we got our crib I checked all the recall notices and we were good to go. Unfortunately, 2 days ago our Simmons crib was recalled :( Well, I guess it’s actually a good thing so we can order the repair kit and disable the drop down side before baby arrives. Thanks Uncle Anton for watching out! You’re the best!!!
Have you checked your crib for a recall lately? If not, it is a definite must. You can subscribe to e-alerts for all future recalls related to infants/children here. My hubby (who I have dubbed Father of the Year) has already signed up and is officially on the watch for our family.
The crib drama has me thinking about how tied I am to actually having a crib … I’ve actually been thinking about it for a few weeks now. Ever since I ran across this article linking crib mattresses to SIDS I’ve felt a bit worrisome about it all. Take the time to read the article … it is just as important as keeping in touch with recall notices. There are some valid concerns about the mattresses letting off toxic nerve gases which originate from phosphorus, arsenic and antimony (which are used as preservatives and fire retardants). Something none of us would want our little ones around!
So, now that I’ve got a bum crib and a mattress that will keep me up at night with worry I’m a bit perplexed on what to do. I think it’s time to start reading up on co-sleeping … any advice/experience with that?
Other option is to just order the repair kit from Simmons and get this mattress cover.
OMG … the deliberations of being a parent.
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Co-sleeping as in the baby is in the bed with you? That just screams sex life over and a co-dependent child. What did you sleep in when you were a baby? Most of us survived the crib and mattress just fine, relax mama gretchen, it will all be a okay!:)
we co-sleep and have since day one. and i never ever thought in a million years that we would. such has been the theme of our parenting! it's not for everyone, but it's been great for our family and great for our marriage, which surprises a lot of people. we read 'three in a bed' and another book- i'd be happy to loan them to you if you email me your address. reading them made me feel less nervous about safety, etc. when laithe was born we were even four in a bed – with two cats. i thought there would be a break between kids – that guthrie would have been in her bed for months by the time laithe came along. but as i got further into my pregnancy i realized these would be the last weeks we would be just the three of us and i just didn't care about transitioning her anymore. i definitely feel it's how i get the best sleep i can. i feel like it's as safe as any other sleeping arrangement, but that it's safest for us. and there's nothing like waking up to your child.
loved loved loved co-sleeping. it definitely wasn't something i had planned on doing, but it really just felt right when we made the decision to do it. plus that, night nursing was MUCH less exhausting…and baby slept way more peacefully next to me. any book by dr sears, and are definitely the place to start for co-sleeping info…i found the biggest issue with it to be the people around me thinking i wasn't doing the "right" thing…so, having people around you to support you in it or just not talking about it with certain individuals really helps :o] if you have any specific questions, i'd be happy to share more!
Hi. I co-slept with all of my babies (4) until about 7 months. There is a ton of info about it reducing sids. Apparently the baby breathes in sync with the mother when sleeping together. If you are not comfortable with co-sleeping IN your bed, you can always buy one of the co-sleeper thingy's that attach to the side of your bed. The only reason I co-sleep is for my own comfort. I know that sounds weird… but it is so exhausting in the begining waking to feed. I was more comfortable nursing while in bed & then rolling over & going to sleep. None of mine slept in the crib until they were about 6 months old. That is when I started introducing them into their cribs at nap times. After a few months of napping in the crib… they were closer to a year old & I started transitioning them into the crib at night time. I hope that helps a little. Hopefully you will get a bunch of responses to this so you can see different points of view & decide what is best for you & baby :)
Whoa, I hadn't heard of that with the crib mattresses. I'll have to look in to that.I did have a drop side crib for my 2nd. It wasn't recalled, but the company told me to face the drop down toward the wall and not to use it, simply because drop side cribs are no longer being manufactured and soon, all cribs will be required to have a stationary gate. You might be better off returning that crib and getting one that doesn't have moving parts. I'm selling our drop side crib and gave her my 1st daughter's crib which doesn't have moving parts on it to my youngest.
people always get so hung up on the sex thing. my response has always been – well, the kitchen table works just as well. ;)they can decide later whether or not i'm being dramatic.