Mimi’s on a Roll

My Mom has dubbed herself “Mimi” for her grandma name. Mimi has been doing some crazy shopping in preparation for little one’s arrival. Lately, Etsy has been her prime shopping destination. I don’t let her order hardly anything (which does not make Mimi happy) since we don’t yet know the gender. But …

Last night I got a text about her latest find …

If it’s Jemma … Mimi is joining the skirt of the month club on Etsy! Check out Lakenandlila.

So I did.

And, what did I find?

Nothing other than the most genius idea! For just $156 (only $13/skirt), Laken & Lila will mail you a new twirl skirt each month of the year. Seriously, how lovely are these …

Photo by Christy Johnson Photography

I have the slighest desire to wish for a girl just so we can become proud members of the Skirt of the Month Club!

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  1. says

    I love this idea! I wish they had a skirt of the month club for women…then, at least I would be guaranteed to add some pieces to my wardrobe. This would make a great shower gift!

  2. says

    I'M A MIMI TOO!!!! oh, being a Mimi is just the bestest ever!!! YAY FOR MIMIS EVERYWHERE!!

  3. says

    Did you know that "Mimi" in Philipino means "nipple" ? My mom found this out from Karla when she decided to be called that with Ethan.But you aren't Philipino, so no one is going to laugh at your Mom…. except me :) jk