Going home is always a whirlwind of family fun and get togethers with friends … my favorite kind of craziness. This weekend I met my crafty friend, Leah, for a cup of joe (ok, it was really an white chocolate coconut americano for her and a vanilla chai for me). We bantered about our summer plans which include lots of walks, crafts, and visits between Portland and Olympia.
Leah was also the bearer of my first Mother’s Day present! A fun book all about being a fabulous, hot mama-to-be. It was complete with a sweet subscription and a note telling me to read up on all the pregnancy books so I can give her the short version when she is ready for a little one :) Consider it done, Leah … I have a volcano of knowledge ready to explode whenver you are ready!
Along with being a fantastic friend and an awesome elementary school teacher, Leah has quite the knack for yarn work … crocheting and knitting are her specialty and she is planning to whip up a striped version of these knit pants for my dumpling! There is even extra space built in on the backside for a diaper bump! Being the overachiever she is, Leah also offered to make a matching hat. This baby is sure lucky to have an Auntie Leah!
Leah and I learned to knit at about the same time … back in the day when we were carefee baristas. Then I got busy with the boring non-craft things in life and Leah upped her skills like crazy! She now follows patterns, knows tons of stitches, and even knit a chic sweater for her mom and hand warmers for me this past Christmas. Needless to say, this girl has got talent!
Over coffee, Leah inspired me to get back into it. She refreshed my memory on the crocheting basics and got me started on a baby beanie in a sweet lemongrass/pea yellow-green color. Yes, I agree it is a wild color. All the more reason it will be perfect for my wild child :)
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The Striped ones are coming right along. I think you will love them! Looking for other "gender Neutral" patterns.