A Home for Our Growing Family

The dust has settled. I’m over the tears (I think). I’m ready to move forward … we’re look for a home and this is why:

The facts …
  • Last summer we moved from our duplex in east Vancouver to a family friend’s home in west Vancouver. They were moving to Texas and had decided not to sell their home and asked us to rent until the market turned around. We agreed.
  • We signed a lease from August 2009 through January 2011 when we and the owners planned to re-assess the renting/selling options.
  • On Monday, the home owners decided to put the house on the market.
  • This change meant a house overall … staging, no clutter, ready for showings at any time.
  • Knowing the house could sell at any time and we have a baby on the way Dominic and I decided to look for a new rental. I can’t imagine packing and moving in the 6-9 month pregnancy stage.
Those are the facts, void all the emotion I could muster to delete. We’re looking for a home for our new family, a place we can settle and grow … keep us in your prayers.
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  1. janie vezina says

    posting on an old post, but i’m in this phase now as we are waiting to move for our growing family.