Ok, that might be going a bit far, but in the very least the stuff related to having a baby is simple. For a good part of my childhood I believed I was born in the wrong century. I truly thought I was meant to be a pioneer. I lived in the woods and had […]

Registries are hard. It is difficult to decipher what is actually necessary and what is just marketed to first-time mamas to put us in a panic (and spend hundreds of otherwise, college fund dollars). I’m leaning towards more simplistic things. I like wood toys and board books; I would prefer to play classical music instead […]
I’m getting the registry bug, but am forcing myself to hold off for a while longer. But in anticipation …Question for the mamas:What is the most important or most practical item to register for? Why?Question for the non-mama baby lovers:What is your favorite thing to give at a baby shower? Why?
Have you seen the Moby wrap? Have you used it? Dominic thinks it is a bit urban; I think it is a bit fabulous. What do you think?