April Goals + My Favorite Habit Tracker

After finishing 75Hard in mid-March it felt necessary to transition to … something else. Not 75Hard level of a routine but something that would keep me on track. And yes, I realize I didn’t share about 75Hard here, mostly on Instagram. I may soon though because it was honestly one of the best things I’ve done for my mental and physical health and I very much recommend the program.

The next phase of 75Hard (that I’m not doing) talks about a Power List. So I merged that idea with my favorite Habit Tracker. If you’re curious about 75Hard and the idea of a Power List this podcast gives a great recap.

I chose five things to focus on during the month of April. And, so far, so … ok? Unlike 75Hard I wasn’t aiming for perfection and no misses. Progress over perfection, eh? My Habit Tracker is just a guide to make sure I’m tackling the most important things most days.

In his book, Take Back Your Family, Jefferson Bethke said something along the lines of “your week by week proves what your priorities are”. Because, realistically, we can’t do everything everyday. A week glimpse though, that will truly show if you’re getting the things done that you mean to on a regular basis.

Ok, so my April five!

  1. Reading lesson
  2. No spending
  3. Run
  4. Shake
  5. Devotions

Reading Lesson

Reid is in Pre-K this year and we’ve been slowly working through Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons by his request. After a bout of frustration we took a break (reading should be fun!) and now we’re back at it and it’s really clicking. His big sibs schoolwork tends to take priority but this month I wanted to really gain some momentum with him. So, reading lessons everyday! It’s going great!

No Spending

I don’t know what I was thinking choosing this as a goal. I think I wanted to curb unintentional spending, or, at least be more mindful of my “add to cart”. I’ve had about 50% success. So far I’ve bought quite a few things, but most are justified. Things like a pair of secondhand shoes for Reid for Easter (thanks for the deal, eBay!), magazines from Bravery since they’re going out of business and ran a great sale, a case for our Yoto Player for upcoming travel, and curriculum for next school year.


Yep, I committed to running a minimum of a mile everyday this month! I did take off Easter, but other than that I haven’t missed a day. I think I’ll close the month at 60 miles!


One of the best things I did during 75Hard was to have an Arbonne protein shake for one meal each day, usually breakfast. I really need to share some of the recipes here because I still crave my Key Lime, Carrot Cake, and Chocolate Cherry shakes on the regular. I’ve done this everyday except Easter too.


I went into the month reading Bitter and Sweet: A Journey into Easter by Tsh Oxenreider. It was wonderful and I plan to read it each year as Lent begins. Now I’m working my way through a true study – Yet: The Promise In Habakkuk For Those In Transition from Hosanna Revival. Hard, but very very good for me. I intend to do another Hosanna Revival study when I wrap this one up – just have to decide which one! I’m also reading my way through Jesus Always and To Light Their Way. Both solid and lovely.

Five days left in the month and outside of my no spend attempt I’m really happy with how April has gone. I’m making some modifications for May, but plan to continue with this Habit Tracker. I’ll pop back in to share by five in a bit – they’re good ones!

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