35 Weeks

35 weeks

Max snapped my photo at the state park yesterday while I hobbled around trying not to lose my footing. He turns 5 this week and I can hardly believe that 5 years ago I was just days away from birthing a 10 pound, 4 ounce little boy … and now he’s just. so. big. And awesome. And a real headache sometimes. But still, my sweetest firstborn son :) The big brother of two little bros! 

Speaking of the littlest brother, here’s the latest …

How far along: 35 weeks 4 days

Gender: Still a boy as far as I know!

Weight gain: I don’t even want to talk about it. I’ve always been of the philosophy that pregnancy weight means baby is growing and it’s all part of the process and blah blah blah, but this is going to be my heaviest pregnancy and I got a stupid flashback on Facebook of when I was super fit (for me) after Max the other day and it’s just got me feeling frumpy and lame. And summer isn’t helping. I’m swelling up somethin’ fierce.

Sleep: Nap time is my finest rest. I live for nap time and avoid afternoon plans like the plague. Night time? Well, let’s just say I’ve been listening to audiobooks every night until I fiiiiiiiiiinally drift off.

Best moment this week: Taking Jemma and Max to their big sibling class! We went out to dinner together before and then to class and it was so fun just hanging with the bigs. During class we discussed pregnancy/birth body parts and when the uterus (a powerful muscle) came up Max raised his hand to say that he had recently found mussels at the beach … I love how kids think and associate things to their lives and experiences :) Then, Jemma properly identified the umbilical cord while Max energetically volunteered to cut the doll mom and baby’s fabric umbilical cord that we were using to replicate a birth scene. All in all, it was such a fun evening preparing for baby together! 

Worst moment this week: I’m kind of an emotional wreck about labor. I hate that I don’t feel more confident. I’m just worried and trying to get over the mental hump of what it will take to get through birth. The fear of the unknown sucks.

Miss anything: Shoes and normal clothes. I organized my closet this weekend and the pile that actually fits is so itsy bitsy … and frumpy! See above beach photo ^^^ I’m stylin’! Not! 

Movement: Big movements! Getting kicks/punches in the north and south if you know what I mean. 

Cravings: Yam tacos, Fruity Pebbles, coconut water (with pulp!), fondue, toast and jam, Jamba Juice (Kaleribbean Breeze!), and double chocolate walnut cookies from a bakery near my sister’s house. Pretty much, I have many, very specific food requests on a daily basis, lol!

Looking forward to: Dominic and I’s anniversary! We celebrate 10 years on the 24th and are hoping to sneak away for a night or two before baby is born. Nothing like hitting the 10 year mark at 37 weeks pregnant with our FOURTH BABY!

What Jemma thinks: “I do still wish I was having a sister, but I know that baby brothers are really cute too. I mean … REID!!!”

What Max thinks: “Mom, wabor is weally hard. Tough tough work. But I will be there for you. I will take care of you. But you have to work hard, ok?” Can you tell Max is well-versed in birth videos?

What Reid thinks: His crib moved to Dominic’s side of the bed AND got converted into the toddler style, so as of now, he’s thinking he’s a real big boy! Ready for a baby brother? Maybe not, but definitely asserting his toddlerness in many new ways!

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  1. says

    Oh man, I so so so so so so feel with you on the weight gain(and facebook flashback posts!!!!) and the worry about labor and delivery to come. You’re not alone in that.

    • Gretchen says

      I’m glad I’m not the only one! Already planning my return to what feels more normal … but then again, with 4 kids soon, it might take awhile :/

  2. Steph F. says

    Max cracks me up lol! I think you are looking great!! I hear you on the summer swelling though – I’m 36 weeks and it’s not pretty. So close though :)

    • Gretchen says

      I live for my evening epsom salt baths right now!