The Star of Daddy’s Christmas Stocking

Raise your hand if your husband is the hardest person to buy gifts for.

That’s me … raising both hands. Because, ya’ll, Dominic is THE hardest person to shop for. Christmas makes me cringe and birthdays and anniversaries aren’t any easier. And, I’m totally a gift giving person! I love giving gifts! He’s just a harder one to come up with ideas for. It’s not because I don’t know him; we’ve been together for 10 years now, I totally get him. It’s more because 1) He doesn’t really need anything (neither of us do!) 2) He has expensive taste (like, no, I’m not buying you a boat) 3) He’s generally picky (dude likes his same ol’ things). 

All that has led us to forgo big gifts more often than not. Instead of wrapping up an item we only kinda think the person will love we’ll plan dates, focus on consumable items we can actually use, or get/do something family oriented. And you know what, it’s kind of nice to not stress over gifts much anymore. Christmas just shouldn’t be a stressful season!

Buuuuut, enter the joy of Santa … and yes, I say that a little sarcastically.

I’ve convinced the kids that Santa only brings gifts to little ones, but they just don’t think it’s fair that moms and dads get left out so we’ve somehow compromised with gifts for the kids and stockings for everyone. That means each year I get to find stocking worthy treasures for Dominic that he’ll hopefully love.

And this year, I’ve found the star of his stocking …


Since he’s Santa and I’m Mrs. Claus it didn’t ruin Christmas morning when I told Dominic he could try out Lovely Beards’ balm and oil a few weeks early. I chose the Vanilla + Sandalwood scent for him and *swoon* it’s fabulous! There are 7 scents to choose from though, see them all here! I think I know which one I might get for him next … which scent catches your eye?


According to Dominic, the balm was smooth and easy to apply and I love that both products have familiar ingredients. Don’t need crap going near my man’s goatee!


If you’re in need of a top notch stocking stuffer for the daddy in your family, choose something from Lovely Beards! I think a balm or oil would make a great gift for a male teacher, grandpa, brother, or the random uncle you drew in the gift exchange too :)

Shop here and use code Beards10 for 10% off your Lovely Beards order. They also offer free shipping within the US. Yay, you all know how I love free shipping!



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