Hello 28

so this is 28

Well, hello there 28. You’ve been super swell. Like, the real kind of fine.

I’m just a week in and I think you’ll be a good year. No where near those early 20 wandering years and just bumping up on the, well … hey there, 30! I see you coming ’round the bend! I’m not worried though. Well, maybe a slight bit – I mean, a whole new decade just waiting to be explored does seem a touch daunting. But really, with each passing year I seem to feel a little more at ease with myself. With who I’ve been and who I’m becoming.

At 28 I know I’ve made a bounty of mistakes. Reconciling them, learning from them and vowing to do better have become my daily mantra.

At 28 I worry less about what you think of me. You either love me, hate me, or just kind of like me. Your ball game. 

At 28 I’m always open and willing to hear you out. Even though I know what I believe, I want to know what you believe too. 

At 28 I know less than I’ve ever known about everything.

At 28 I’ve seen and felt immense pain and loss. Knowing this earth is not my eternity seems to dull the hurt some.

At 28 I can hardly comprehend the beautiful smiles of my children. In them, I see mountains of hope and innocence.

At 28 I feel like it’s time to let go of things that clutter my mind and home.

At 28 I want to focus on what matters and slough off what doesn’t.

I know some things that are coming this year. A full year of travel (Texas! Yellowstone!), organizing (always), homeschooling and hopefully many more words here and elsewhere if doors open. I know there will be many surprise in this 28th year too and I’m praying those surprises are filled with grace and love and don’t rock me too much. A year of calm would do me a world of wonder. 

Hear that life? Let’s take a breather … ok?

But … always a but. When the world does rock, as I know full well it will, I’m thankful for the steadfastness of my Heavenly Father. This last year and this next, and I’m sure many after have proved to me that I’ve got one thing on my side in the midst of crazy. And that’s Jesus. There could be nothing more reassuring as I go into this year knowing that my hope and trust is in Him. 

So, hey, 28. Let’s do this.

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  1. says

    Love it! Happy birthday again :)

  2. says

    Happy Birthday there, Gretchen! What a wonderful note welcoming yourself to your 28th year! I look forward to seeing what is up for you this year :)

  3. says

    I’m very late to the party, but happy belated birthday!

    • Gretchen says

      I forgive you, lol :)